RP log - When Techies meet

Aug 31, 2007 23:34

Who: Duo and Samus
When: Before the Trowa/Duo Log
Where: Hanger
Rating: G
Warnings: GW and Metriod spoilers
Notes: It started innocently enough and turned into a long RP of DOOOOOM
Summary: Samus and Duo run into eachother in the hanger.

As seemed typical on the island, Samus found herself in the hanger tinkering on her gunship. She'd been working for a while, pausing from time to time to look up when she heard others in the hanger. The assortment of mecha and ships in the hanger intrested her, showing the vast differences in the worlds they came from. Puffing a breath up at a few strands of hair that seemed to enjoy getting in her eyes she went back to work under the hatch.

Duo yawned as he stepped into the hangar. He stretched, not really looking forward to getting himself cramped up into one of the compartments on Deathscythe to do maintenance, but it had to be done. He'd neglected the Gundam recently, so he had some catching up to do.

There was a shower of sparks as she freed a faulty circiut on the Gunships navigation and singed her fingers in the process. The sparks quickly followed by a string of loud curse words in a handfull of languages from worlds Samus had been to.

Duo paused at hearing a female voice rattling off some odd words that, judging by the tone of voice and the fact that he'd heard the distinctive sizzle of sparking wires, probably were not pleasant. He wandered over to the new ship, having been looking it over a few times since he'd gotten there. He figured it was fairly safe to assume the person electrocuting themselves inside was the owner. "You alright in there?" he shouted up to the cockpit.

Shakeing her hand to get the feeling back into it, Samus grumbled at the offending wires. Hearing a voice comming from below the ship, she looked up out of the hatch and down at the long haired pilot that had appeared. "I'll be fine. Just as soon as this little.." Here she added a few choice explitives that there was little chance Duo knew the meaning of before going on. "..feels like playing nicely and lets me get these repairs done."

"I know the feeling," Duo said. While, granted, he didn't know exactly what she had called it, he got the picture well enough to know it wasn't a term of endearment. He tilted his head over towards Deathscythe. "I came in to do a little work on mine, too."

Samus followed the nod of Duo's head to Deathscythe. "Oh yeah? I've seen a few people comming in and out today. Seems like a popular place."

"Popular enough," he said. "The weather around here really messes with the electronics, tho'... all the humidity." The pilot shrugged. "Hafta make sure their functional." Speaking of which, Duo really didn't want to see what Tallgeese looked like since Treize had basically left it untouched since he showed up even in the desert before this island.

Samus nodded, her ship had only been here for a week or so now and she was already seeing the effects of the islands weather. It was the same on her barrier suit, though she was used to repairing and refitting that after all of her missions. "Will you need a hand? I should be done here in a bit."

"Sounds like you need one more than me," Duo said with a chuckle. "But you're welcome to come help me out if you want. I certainly won't turn it down." He grinned. "I'm Duo, by the way."

She resisted an urge to stick her tongue out at Duo hearing his chuckle, instead puffing at the stray hairs of her bangs again. "If your so smug you could always skitter on up here and give a hand." Her voice amused as she returned his grin. "I'm Samus."

"I don't mind helpin' if you want it," Duo said. "Nice ta meet ya."

"Come on up then. If your gona let me poke around, I might as well let you, huh?"

He grinned a bit. "Okay." Then, he easily climbed up. "Hey... this is pretty fancy," he said, looking it over as he made his way up to the cockpit.

"It's not much, other ships in the federation are more advanced, but she gets me back and forth." Samus replied with a shrug.

"It's more advance than what we got back home for me," he said. "Then again, the farthest we've headed out from Earth is the next planet over." He shrugged as well.

She smiled. "My work takes me all over the federation. I've been on quite a few worlds.. seen a lot of strange things and creatures.. and killed most of them when they tried to kill me first."

"Interesting..." Duo said. "So you're a soldier, huh?"

"Not quite." Samus shook her head. "I'm a bounty Hunter."

"Oh, okay." Duo nodded. "I guess you could say I'm a former terrorist turned peace-keeper slash salvage expert." He gave her a somewhat goofy looking grin.

"Uh huh.." It took her a minute to sort through that but Samus smiled as she opened another hatch. "Jack-of-several-trades then?"

"Something like that," Duo said with a laugh. "So what didja need a hand with?"

"I need to finnish checking the navigation and life support systems." Samus said and pointed out the two bundles of machinery. "Thats what I was working on earlier."

"Alright... whaddya want me to do?"

Samus smirked. "Think you can handle more advanced tech enough to spot burned out wireing and circuts?"

"I know wiring and circuits... I figure they're probably the same from world to world," Duo said. He stuck his tongue out. "Me an' a friend ran a salvage yard back home... we're pretty good like that."

"Ok, but no ripping parts off my ship to try and sell. We might have a fight on our hands then."

Duo laughed. "No thanks... I don't think anyone here would know what to do with stuff from your world."

"Good thing too." Samus said with a laugh. "Last thing we need is one of you to run off with my barrier suit."

"Barrier suit?" Duo looked at her curiously.

"The armor I wear while I'm working." She nodded over to the Gundams. "Think of it as a mini version of one of those over there."

Duo looked impressed. "The Gundams are pretty complicated... I'm surprised someone could get it shrunk down to human size."

"My Grandpa made it for me. It's saved my skin any number of times."

Duo blinked. "Is it normal for grandparents to make that kinda stuff for their grandkids?" he asked in all seriousness.

"It is when it helped me survive and live long enough to grow up. Zebes wasn't exactly a hospitible home for humans."

"Oh." He nodded. "I guess that would be kinda like living on the moon... hafta stay inside unless you have a suit to go outside in."

She nodded and kept her attention inside the pannel she was working on. "Pretty much, I'll let you see it if you want."


Samus smiled and continued to work, checking and replaceing a few things as she did so.

Duo watched as she worked, as she really hadn't given him any direction, and he didn't want to go and mess her ship up. "So what's that thing?" he asked, pointing at what looked like a bed in a capsule.

"Mm?" She looked up and over at what he pointed at. "A stasis bed. I sleep for most of the trip between systems. I was supposed to be headed back to headquarters when my ship brought me here."

Duo nodded. "I guess that makes the long trips easier... I mean... it does take us a few days to get from Earth to the Moon or the colonies... even longer if we wanna get to Mars."

"Day's doesn't sound bad. Its the weeks and months that get long." Samus said.

"Yeah... but, if you're asleep, you don't notice it." He shrugged casually.

"No, not really." Samus nodded and closed the hatch she was working under. Crossing the cabin she keyed open the lock for the locker her barrier suit was inside. Smiling fondly when it opened and the orange suit was visible.

Duo watched her for a second, amused by the expression on her face. "So that's your partner?" he asked her, nodding towards the suit inside the locker.

She looked at Duo and nodded. "Yup, thats it."

Duo moved over to take a look. It reminded him of some sort of futuristic knight armor. Well, all except that blaster-looking thing for a right arm. He blinked. "That's some weapon," he said.

Samus grinned and watched as Duo looked over the armor. "It gets the job done."

Duo looked over his shoulder at her and smiled a bit. "That's what counts," he said.

"Mm hmm." She nodded. "Variable beam and missile fireing capibilities along with all the things built into the suit itsself."

Again, Duo found himself impressed by the level of technology. Clearly, her dimension was a lot more advanced than his own. He nodded. "Well... since you showed me yours, I guess I should show you mine." He grinned at his little joke.

Samus laughed lightly and shook her head. "I hardly know you.. but ok."

Duo laughed when she did, glad she'd seen his comment for what it was... a joke. He waved for her to come with him and climbed out of her ship to head over to Deathscythe.

Samus closed the locker for her barrier suit and followed Duo, locking down the gunship on her way out. Crossing the hanger with him she looked up at Deathscythe. "It's not as portable.. but I'd say the wings make up for that in a "Thats just bad ass" sort of way."

Duo laughed again. "Well, considering that this is the transportation, it doesn't need to be portable. He's called Deathscythe... though, this one's the upgrade. The original didn't have wings."

Samus nodded "Still, it is pretty cool. What do you pack for weapons."

"I've got some basic stuff," Duo said. "The vulcan guns on the head and a couple tactical missles on the shoulders. But this is more of a close quarters battle machine. It uses beam weaponry. The main one is the scythe, but there's a blade in the shield, too."

Samus' attention was really caught when Duo brought up the beam weapons and mentioned haveing the scythe. "Oooh fun."

Duo grinned a bit devilishly. "It looks really cool when it's powered up," he said. "But there's not enough room to do it in here without slicing through something."

"And wheres the fun in that, right?" Samus said flatly before she smiled.

Duo shrugged. "That's why I wait until I'm outside before turning on the scythe." He pulled out a small remote and hit a few buttons. The hatch above them opened, lowering the winch cable.

Samus looked up and watched the cable as it came down. Looking at Duo she smirked before she crouched and simply jumped the dystance up onto the hatch.

"Great..." Duo muttered. "Another show off. You'd probably get along real well with Trowa for that."

"Who?" Samus asked from up on the hatch. "I haven't met to many people here yet."

Duo grabbed the cable and rode it up, landing neatly beside her. "Trowa... he owns that Gundam... Heavyarms." He pointed out the suit in question to her. "He's an acrobat, so he rarely uses his own winch line... or anyone else's, for that matter, on the rare occasion he pilots someone else's suit."

"Oh ok." Samus said and looked over at Heavyarms. "About the only ones I've met have been Uranus, the guys I'm in a hut with and then the wolf that works in the cafe."

"Uranus and Jon are pretty cool," Duo remarked, moving past her easily to sit in the cockpit. "Who are you in a hut with?"

Samus settled onto the hatch and leaned in to watch Duo, takeing in the arrangement of things with a glance. "Some angry short guy that spends all his time yelling in his room, another guy with white hair that pretty much ignores everything.. then a red head that smells like booze.. "

Duo thought about her comments and descriptions. "Oh..." He knew exactly where she was. "The other two are probably fairly harmless, but I'd watch out for the redhead. He's a real jerk."

"I'll make a note of that." Samus said and nodded. "I've been keeping my room locked anyway and, so help me, if the door to the bathroom even twitches when I'm in the shower.. "

"I think the bathroom doors lock," Duo offered with a smirk as the Gundam's computer booted up, lighting the controls and screens around him. He started tapping away at the console on his right.

"Right.. I never would have thought of something like that, silly me." Samus stuck her tongue out at him.

Duo laughed as he ran the diagnostic in the system. "Well, maybe you should," he said teasingly.

"Uh huh.." Samus reached over and flicked at his bangs. "I could always just fuse their doors closed..."

Duo pulled back, a bit surprised at her forwardness. "You could..." he said.

"Sorry." She said pulling her hand back.

Duo sweatdropped. "Ah... 'Sokay... I'm not used to people bein' so forward so quick, is all.'

"That was forward?" Samus blinked. "Lord, what would happen if I kissed you?"

"My girlfriend might have a problem with that," Duo said, rather deadpan and straightfaced.

"Right, definately a bad idea then." She nodded and smiled.

Duo nodded, trying not to blush over the fact that he had just referred to Hilde as his girlfriend for the first time. It had just sort of popped out of his mouth without him even thinking about it.

"I'd hate to be the one to break up a couple." Samus said lightly and smiled again before she looked over at the screen. "Anything for me to fiddle with?"

Duo looked a bit self-conscious for a moment and then glanced at the screen's readout. "There's a few things that need work, but the left leg looks like it would probably be the easiest to get to right now."

"Ok." She nodded, wondering if she'd crossed a line and if she should simply take her leave. He'd helped her so it was only right for her to return the favor, though.

He gave her a quick smile, like the awkward moment had never happened, then grabbed his toolkit. "Let's head back down, then," he said.

"Lead the way." Samus backed out of the hatch and stood up, waiting for him.

Duo pulled himself out and dropped off the side of the hatch, using the winch line to slow his descent once he got close enough to the ground. Landing easily, he let it go back up, having a feeling she was probably just going to jump off on her own like she had done to get up there, and headed over to grab a ladder.

Not one to let someone down when they expected her to do something, Samus dropped to the floor without the line. Pulling up a spot on one of Deathscythes feet she waited as Duo went and got the ladder.

Duo stuck his tongue out at her again as he came back with the ladders he and Trowa had used a while back for working on Heavyarms. He passed one over to her so he could set the other one up. "Yup... definitely a show off." He smirked.

She took the one ladder and set it up, grinning when he stuck his tongue out at her. "You make it sound like a bad thing, you know."

"Maybe it is." However, his grin didn't fade as he turned and climbed up the ladder to the knee joint. He perched himself on the top, dangling his legs off the sides, despite the several sticker warnings saying not to use the top as a step or a seat. "Can you grab the other side of this panel?" he asked her once she was up even with him.

Samus headed up the ladder after she'd set it up across from Duo's. Perching up on hers the same way she nodded and grabbed the edge of said panel. "Ok, got it. On three or after three?"

Duo reached underneath with one hand while holding it with the other. "On three, I'll pop the clip... then we move it," he said.

K" Samus nodded, takeing a grip on it.

Duo counted, popping the clip off on three, just as he said. With the weight now resting in their grip instead of attached to the leg, he nodded for her to start lowering it down out of the way.

Samus strained a little under the weight of the panel, though it was lighter than she had been expecting. After a quick moment they had it lowered and resting on the Gundams foot.
Jessica: "Deathscythe's actually got the lightest armor out of the ones from my world," Duo said.

"I see. Don't mind me if I leave this to you big burly men if you need help with the heavy stuff."

Duo laughed. "Oh... you can jump really far, but you don't wanna lift anything heavy?" he teased her.

"I'm allowed moments to be a dainty flower arn't I?" Samus shot back with a smirk.

Duo shrugged casually. "To each his own... or her." He turned on a miniflashlight and stuck it in his mouth before pulling himself up a bit so he could see into leg joint.

Samus followed his lead, looking inside and studying the joint. "Some of this is pretty high-tech."

"A lotta the development back home went into mobile suits because people were always fighting," Duo said. "They're not really needed now, though."

"Peace time isn't so much a bad thing." Samus replied and looked over at him. "I only knew it for a little while when I was little, before Grandpa took me to Zebes"

"Oh, I'm thankful for it," Duo said. "Tho'... I do miss my buddy here sometimes." He fondly patted the Gundam's leg armor. "But, I don't think I would have wanted to keep fighting much longer than I had."

She nodded. "I know the feeling. You relize how much you depend on a partner like this."

Duo nodded. "Yeah..."

"Warriors are needed, even in peace. Grandpa told me that.." Samus said before she swore lightly, finding a shorted set of wires.

"Yeah... we're figuring that one out, too," Duo said somewhat darkly. "It's one of the reasons I hate being stuck here. I feel like I'm missing something... that I should be back home helping and not here laying in the sun... as nice as the latter part of that is."

Samus nodded. "I've never had time off, unless you count my time in cold sleep in my ship between missions." She looked up and focused on something other than the leg in front of her. "I think I've actually slept in my bed in my quarters at Federation headquarters.. three times?"

Duo chuckled. "Sounds about right when you're runnin' around on missions most of the time," he said.

"Yup." Nodding she focused back on checking things on her side. "Nice as the beds are here, I slept better on the floor my first night."

Duo sweatdropped. He used to do the same thing on occasion when he felt uncomfortable being in an actual bed as opposed to curled up in an old raggity blanket on the floor somewhere. He nodded a bit. "Sleeping can get particular sometimes," he said in an odd voice.

She looked over at him hearing the tone of his voice, a little curious but letting it go.

He dropped the subject quickly, shifting instead back to the work at hand. "So... you do anything for fun? Other than killin' aliens, I mean." He grinned.

Samus frowned a little. "Not really, I had to focus on Grandpa's training after he found me and had to learn how to survive. I do some reading between missions."

Duo blinked, a bit surprised. "So... no quirky habits or hobbies?" he asked her, yanking a couple of corroded wires and replacing them. "That's kinda disappointing."

"Hobbies like what? Putting the polished skulls of my dead enemies on the wall in my room?"

Duo's voice got stuck as, for a moment, he wasn't quite sure if she was joking or not.

Samus smirked. "I don't do that, if you were wondering. I do a lot of reading on ancient cultures on my missions. Sometimes my ship picks up a stray broadcast of music."

Duo looked relieved. "Well, that's good..." he said. "You had me wondering for a moment there." He finished up on his side of the leg. "Done?" he asked her.

"Yeah I'm done." She laughed lightly and nodded. "I never felt like keeping trophies. Seemed a bit too morbid."

"I would think so," Duo said. "I wasn't much for trophies, either... not that I had a place to keep 'em at the time anyway..." He shifted, sliding back out from the compartment to sit on the top of the ladder again. "Ready to pull that armor back up here?"

"You had a scrap yard full of potential trophies. You could have cobbled togeather a pile of things and come up with all sorts of fun stories for how you got them..." She grinned and nodded. "On three again?"

Duo laughed and then nodded. "Yeah... on three." He reached down and grabbed hold of it from his side. Waiting until she had a secure hold, he then counted, lifting on three and clipping it back in place once they had it high enough. "There... Thanks." He grinned.

"No problem, its been fun doing this with you." Samus replied and brushed her hands off before moving back down the ladder.

Duo slid down his ladder. "It always goes better when you've got someone with you, even if it's just for company." He grinned, carting his ladder back over to where he'd gotten it from.

Samus picked up her ladder and followed Duo over to where they went. "I can be either distracting or helpfull, just not both of them at the same time."

"Yeah... but, unless you're in a time crunch, distracting's not all that bad."

"I'd guess you don't get many time crunches here on the island then?"

Duo shook his head. "Not at all..." he said. "It's not like we have mission deadlines and stuff."

Samus sighed and put the ladder next to Duo's. "I think I'll be joining you and Uranus next time you guys cause some trouble then."

"Oooo... that could fun," he said with a mischievious grin. "I'll let her know next time I see her."

"Please do." Samus said seriously before she grinned.

"Sure thing. We're always lookin' for more recruits." He started for the door. "Well, it was cool meeting you... good luck with the work on your ship."

"Yeah thanks.. abandon me, why don't you.." She smiled and waved. Take care, it was nice meeting you too."

"Hey... I thought you were finished!"

"I am."

"Well, there you go, then," Duo said. He looked a bit smug.

Samus grinned. "Should I find more for you to do?"

"That's okay..." Duo said, waving her off. "I'm ready to call it a night. See ya!"

"Have a good night Duo."

samus, duo

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