Apr 20, 2012 21:15
Today was Sam's first official day at the sitter's, and all is well! She fussed for a moment when she woke up in her carrier and realized she was in a strange environment, but she warmed up quickly . . . and when I handed her over a few minutes later, she was quite amenable.
I ended up getting out of my meetings a little earlier than expected, so it was only a 3 hour stay. When I arrived to pick her up, she was sleeping contentedly in her carrier, covered in her blanket, while Myra rocked her. She took her bottle without any issues, fussed minimally, and seemed to do well overall. Most important to me, when she woke up, she seemed comfortable and content. Not scared. Not overwhelmed. Not angry. I feel SO much better now about returning to work in the fall. I don't think it's ever easy to leave your infant in someone else's care, and I don't believe anyone will care for your child the way you would. This being said, I really am okay with having her stay at Myra's. It is not an institutionalized daycare environment; it is a home. I feel like she's visiting with a close family friend (and she is!), not being watched by strangers.
Sam was more tired than usual this evening, but with all the excitement of a new environment, I am not surprised. Right now, she is sleeping in her bassinet where I hope (fingers crossed!) she will be for the remainder of the night. Jason's paranoia about SIDS has crept stealthily into my head, and I no longer feel completely comfortable sleeping with her. I am trying to make the transition as easily and gently as possible. We'll see . . .
Good progress today! Tomorrow's schedule includes cleaning, a visit with my friend Jenn (if her migraines cooperate), and lunch with my parents.