Feb 01, 2012 14:14
Samantha slept from 11:30 to 4:30 last night. Hooray! I'm not sure if that can be completely counted as "sleeping through the night," but I will take it. Unfortunately, she woke up with a diaper that had pretty much exploded. She was completely covered in poo from her knees to her neck. At 4:35, she was in the bathtub and her feces-covered duck pajamas were soaking in the sink. She was pretty active this morning (she's been eating like a little barracuda the last few days). I put her in her swing about 30 minutes ago (thank you, Patti and Jerry!) and after twenty minutes of quietly and contently staring at the mobile above her, she finally conked out.
Jason and I had a discussion last night about how often the television has been on. It bothers me that I seem to be living my life with the constant backdrop of TLC -- but Jason and I are exhausted, and tv is the easiest means of entertainment. These days, reading requires more time and energy than I usually have in reserve. We are still hesitant to take the baby out, especially since it's winter and she's so little. Video games tend to disrupt her sleep. So, I find myself watching "A Baby Story" and "What Not To Wear" almost every afternoon. At night, Jason and I have been watching Star Trek re-runs on Netflix. I know I need to get out of this habit before it becomes Samantha's habit. Yet another item to add to my expanding to-do list.
My mother's birthday is this Saturday, and I am hoping she and my father plan the evening in such a way that Sam and I can be involved. (No fancy dinners out!) I know Samantha is too little at this point to know what is happening, but I still want her to be involved. In the same vein, it's important to me that she have a present for Valentine's Day even though she has no concept of the holiday and doesn't need anything.
Here are the things making me smile today:
1. It's February! We're halfway through the winter already.
2. Samantha is sleeping SOOOOO much better at night.
3. Two peppermint Ghiradelli squares for dessert after lunch
4. Three days in a row home with my husband