Sep 09, 2010 09:56
let me tell you something about their behaviour that you may or may not already know.
when one rat is having a hard time solving a problem of some sort, and another rat comes along and says, hey, I know how to do that, let me help you, and our hero rat is then able to eat or get out of a box or somesuch; our hero rat will as a result be far more likely to be helpful to other rats in the future. when our hero rat is having the same problem, and another rat comes along and say, steals its food, then our hero rat is far more likely to be mean in the future.
it's called pay it forward. or something.
you will change the world with how you act. so maybe rethink things with your human brain.
Sorry, I just wanted to see those words together, it's not directed at anyone in particular.