[Results] :: [Week 86]

Jun 25, 2014 14:33

01. You can't judge a book by...

c) it's cover, even though that will probaby be what gets you to pick it up and open it. by wildmusings

02. The pen is mightier than...

a) the paper, but is beaten by scissors and rock. by wildmusings
b/c) the pencil. by caterfree10 & shoujo_bubbles

03. A chain is only as strong as...

d) the material it's made of by caterfree10

04. A watched pot...

a) is actually shy, so stop staring at the poor thing! by caterfree10
c) does nothing, until you turn your back to it for a second, and then it immediately boils over. by wildmusings

05. No pain...

c) would be ideal. by rashiea
d) means the drugs are working, keep them coming! by wildmusings

06. All that glitters...

a) is probably overdone. by rashiea

07. Finders keepers...

b) is the name of the next pirate adventure from Serket Productions. by caterfree10

08. Out of sight...

d) means you will have to spend the next while trying to remember where you put it, because car keys and remote controls don't respond to "Olly olly oxen free!" by wildmusings

09. Sticks and stones may break my bones...

a) so hope you have good insurance for the doctors. by rashiea
d) but it's just a flesh wound and I can still beat ya! by caterfree10

10. Revenge is a dish...

d) that is usually unsatisfying by the time you sit down to enjoy it. by wildmusings

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;

week 086, !results

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