[Results] :: [Week 185]

Nov 20, 2016 10:36

01. Why are eating disorders so common?

a) Because our current society has an unhealthy view of beauty expectations and eating disorders are the common end result of trying to achieve them. by rashiea
b) People pick up eating disorders in order to fit society's belief that we should look a certain way. by mmrobitussin

02. If animals could really talk, what would they be saying?

a) Just listen and see. by rashiea
b) "HUMAN I LOVE YOU." by mmrobitussin

03. Why do good shows tend to either go on too long or stop way too early?

a) It's all about ratings and cost. by rashiea

04. How do you cope with nightmares?

a) Something or someone to snuggle are nice. by rashiea

05. Why are people hungry at the most inopportune times?

b) Your stomach wants food, but it doesn't own a clock. by mmrobitussin

06. Why do popular shows seem to have such random long breaks in their air times even during their "seasons"?

a) It always comes down to money. by rashiea
b) Great shows take time. by mmrobitussin

07. Who invented the straw? DISPLAY ONLY

Marvin C Stone in 1888 according to Wikipedia & Google by rashiea & mmrobitussin

08. What is your favorite new TV show?

a) We've been watching Luke Cage. by rashiea
b) Scorpion. by mmrobitussin

09. Why must stores play Christmas music the day after Halloween?

a) Because there's no good Thanksgiving music and that's the next big holiday they might make tons of money on. by rashiea
b) Because they forgot Thanksgiving exists. by mmrobitussin

10. Why is it that cargo is transported by ship while a shipment is transported by car?

b) Technically shipments can also be transported by train and ships too. by mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 185, !results

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