Haha, I am mod post spammer
I'm here to bring you a Public Service Annouceme-- I mean, a TCG Exchange notice. Both me and
neonclover have agreed on the fact that there are a certain few members who are going all out to get as many certs as possible in order for quick masteries. In fair gameplay, we don't feel that it's very fair that a few people are mastering really fast just because they have the whole world's certificates, obtained through trading with others.
Because of this, starting today, we are implementing a new rule at the
Certificate Redemption counter. You may only trade up to two certificates a week, counting from your last redemption. This is pure certificates, not the value of the certificates, so yes, you can trade two Rank S certs if you have them. Hopefully this will slow down the need to trade your certificates in such a hurry. People, the certs aren't going to run away, don't be so greedy for cards!
But as for the certs you've earned through prize posts or gifts, you may redeem them all for the first week. After that, the regular rules will be implemented. I will be checking very vigilantly whether the certs you redeem in this first week are earned by yourself, and not trades with others, so don't think you can fool me :').
If that doesn't help, we're also introducing a brand spanking new
event badge - Mastered Without Certs. Yes, that's right. To those of you people who somehow managed to master decks without EVER expending any of your certificates, you get your just rewards for patiently trading and redeeming choice cards for rewards. The prizes for such a mastery is quite lovely - an event badge, 2 choice cards, 1 choice special & 3 random cards. Taking your time can reap its profits!
We're hoping this leads to a much smooother, fairer gameplay, so bear with us! If you have any questions, bring them here. If you have any grievances about not being able to master your deck by this week - too bad, there's always next week :').
As a side note,
neonclover wants me to mention that she has finished dishing out
talesof_battle and
talesof_awards prizes. If she's missed any of you out, feel free to poke her!
EDIT OF EPIC: I'd also like to welcome
icon_tournament to the family of wonderful card-giving affiliates here at TCG Exchange ♥! The prize claim post is currently out of order, however, they're currently in need of votes for their
Preliminary Challenge, so go and
vote! All rewards starting from now can be claimed whenever the post is up (If you're a member of
icon_tournament and have already voted before this, don't worry, you can still get your cards). You can earn 3 random cards for votes without critiques, and an additional choice card for critiques for this particular challenge ♥!!