MMOM Day 28 Ficlet: Liked a Con

May 28, 2013 13:13

Title: Like a Con
Author: turtlebaby_02
Fandom: White Collar
Written For: mmom 2013
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Neal implied Neal/Kate
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 332
A/N: Pre-series. I'm tired. Yes.

The thrill of a good con was a lot like sex. The build up, the foreplay, the perfect partner, or a solo job.

It was just as fun to do alone, but someone else in on it with him was always better. He mused this over as he stood in the shower, stroking his cock.

He'd had good partners and bad. He'd had jobs that were made for two but that he pulled off (he snorted at his own pun) all on his own.

But with both sex and a good con, what made him keep coming back for more was the after. The glow and the warmth. And the chase.

With sex, it was about the feeling of... having someone that maybe he cared about and the idea that maybe they wanted him too. And it became a game of cat and mouse all it's own. Each person giving and taking and searching for compatibility on a level other than sex.

With a con, it meant Peter. It was the idea that once again he knew he was on the forefront of the other man's mind and that idea absolutely thrilled him. The idea of the time he was stealing and the thought of how wanted he was. It was almost better than sex.

And honestly, the thoughts of the man after the con had a lot to do with the solo sex he was engaging in so much lately.

He came with a grunt and climbed out of the shower. Kate was going to be here soon, there was a painting to acquire.

He didn't admit to himself that at the moment, the con was more important than sex with Kate. He'd never admit he looked forward to the day when he found out how compatible the two men were with each other.

A good con is like good sex. And if he was really lucky, if he got this exactly, perfectly wrong, maybe one would lead to the other.

character: peter burke, mmom2013, character: neal caffrey, title: l, genre: slash

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