MMOM Day 27: Fic Midight Dreaming

May 27, 2013 13:05

Title: Midnight Dreaming
Author: turtlebaby_02
Fandom: White Collar
Written For: mmom 2013
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Neal (implied pre P/E/N)
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 897
A/N: I don't want to talk about the work shift from hell that kept this from being posted in a timely manner. I am not amused.

He woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating on the night stand. A look at the clock told him it was just after midnight and he groaned. He grabbed at the phone and thumbed it on as he set his feet on the floor. "Hey." He shot a glance per his shoulder to where El was still sound asleep.

"Can you talk?" Code, clearly. If he was calling at this hour just to talk, he wouldn't ask, he'd just talk.

"Yeah." He stood and walked out of the bedroom, pulling the door shut behind him.

"I miss you, Peter."  The words came out in a rush. "Who knew sharing could be this hard."

"I'm sorry, Neal. But Elizabeth..." He started, they'd had this conversation before.

"I know. She shares just fine but doesn't play well with others."

"Not yet, baby. But just... just give her time."

"Meanwhile, she gets the whole bed. And I get this little piece of you." He sounded sad. "And I feel selfish."

"Don't, Neal. I want you here as much as you want to be here."

"I know, I do. It's just hard being the one that's alone."

Peter sighed. "Neal? You do know that you don't have just a piece of me, right?" Neal laughed and Peter frowned. "I'm serious."

"At least it's my favorite part." Neal's voice was teasing. "Which brings me to the actual point of this call."

Peter, who had moved into the guest room, shut the door behind him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Dreaming again?"

"It's getting a little ridiculous." A self deprecating laugh. "Always you, Peter. My subconscious can not get enough of your cock."

Peter snorted. "If I remember correctly, neither can the rest of you. Twice, today." He reminded him.

"Jesus Peter, I remember. And still... rock hard."

Peter, whose cock had twitched with interest at Can you talk?, suddenly demanded his attention and he lay back on the bed and shimmied his pants down around his thighs. "Are you touching yourself?"

Neal hummed. "Waiting for you. Wasn't sure you were, uh, up for it tonight."

"Always, Neal. Always ready to touch you, stroke you, fuck you." He was stroking his cock slowly, already hard. "Taste you, tease you, please you."

Neal sighed softly and Peter knew he'd taken himself in hand. "I'd like that."

"Which part, Neal? Tell me what you want." He closed his eyes and listened to the soft breathing of his partner. "I need to hear you ask."

Neal groaned and Peter heard the bed shift. "I want you on your knees, Peter. Sucking my cock and use your fingers to... to..." He sucked in a deep gasp.

"To fuck you? You want my mouth around your cock and my fingers in your ass, Neal? Is that what you need?"

"Ye..yeah. Fuck Peter, that's exactly what I need." His sentence was punctuated with a whine.

"Suck on your fingers. Get them good and wet." He heard the soft slurping as Neal obeyed. He heard the bed shift again and it didn't take much imagination to see the position he knew Neal was in, he'd seen it.

"Now, use your middle finger, tease your hole." His breathing picked up and Peter increasd the speed of his own fist in response. "God, Neal. Yes, just like that. Push it in!baby, fuck yourself for me."

Neal cried out in a whimper. "Yeah, Peter, ok." Breathless.

"My mouth hot on your cock, Neal. My tongue working the tip, tastes so good, Neal. Love how you leak for me. Love how you taste when you're fucking my mouth. How fucking tight your ass is when I open you with my fingers."

"Can I... Can I, two?"

"Open yourself up, Neal. Gonna flip you over and taste you there too. Use my tongue while I fuck you with my fingers." Peter was stroking in earnest now, the sounds Neal was making sending arousal pulsing through him in waves.

"God, Peter, fuck me. I need you to fuck me. Please. Please."

"Bend you over the table? Fuck up into your ass until I come. God, Neal. Feel so fucking good so deep in your hole."

"Fuck. Wanna come for you, Peter."

"C'mon, baby. Come with me. I want to hear you. Come with me."

He barely had the words out before Neal's gasps turned to a whine that faded into a low moan thatliy the fuse to Peter's own release. "Shit, Peter, shit. Fuck."

Peter swore as Neal's words tore his orgasm from him. His next conscious thought was Neal's voice murmuring sleepily from the phone. "Wish you were here."

"I know. Me too. I'll talk to El. See if we can work out some sort of..."

"Visitation?" Neal laughed softly. "I love you, Peter. I'm not sure every other weekend is going to be enough."

"It's a start, Neal." He blushed. "I want to fall asleep with you."

"Agent Burke? We're kind of falling asleep together right now." He was right. Peter's eyes had drifted closed and he was on the verge of sleep.

"But I want to wake up with you, too." He yawned.

There was a soft sigh from Neal. "You better go back to your wife."

"Yeah." He struggled upright. "Neal?"

"Hmm?" His hum was barely audible.

"I love you, too."

"G'night, Peter."

"Night, Neal."

character: peter burke, genre: romance, mmom2013, title: m, character: neal caffrey, genre: slash

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