Jun 28, 2005 14:32
since ive last posted! geeze...some ppl...
well, the boy and i decided to be just friends.
my job still rocks! im doing really well and making lots of friends at work too. God really blessed me w/ this job.
im on a tec team back home here (tec "to encounter christ" is a 3-day retreat trying to bring young and old alike to a deeper experience of christ). its absolutely amazing. im so glad God allowed me to serve on this team.
not a whole lot besides that going on. tru came up to visit last week and that was amazing. i had gone down to steubenville for a few days and that was cool, too. tru and i went to adoration while in steubie and daily mass and i even got to see andy morrow! i was so excited. then at my house we went and saw the ducks walk on the fishes' backs, went to erie, adoration at st. joe's parish/bread of life community where fr. larry richards is pastor, we tried to go to daily mass (all the priests were away at emmaus), and the next day went to niagara falls (its only about 3 hrs. from my house). i was so glad she came. i think she was a little freaked out by where i live (the sticks, i cant help it) but i think she enjoyed herself. i know i did.
well...umm...i still like the color purple? i dont think i really have anything else to say...
...in that case, see ya later!