i love lamp.

Dec 14, 2005 17:26

liiive jourrrnal..?? what?

i figured id better reaquaint myself, or something, as home is SOON and livejournaling used to be the only thing between me and that noose. 16 days left before i go back. but who knows, maybe things will be different when i get back... haha, just kidding.

the last 10 months have treated me well over here. even when things HAVENT been well ive been alright. its like i can SURVIVE over here or something.

since i last wrote i:

-went skiing in new zealand.
-got another bar job in the tropics, which was sexy.
-briar left me for home.
-swam with the fishes on the great barrier reef.
-had nude pics taken of me while i was asleep.
-had a bouncer call the cops on me.
-went whale watching.
-hurled prolly 8x.
-dave fucked with my heart.
-been on 7 airplanes.
-went platinum (both my hair AND my album).
-heath came to visit for 2 weeks.
-saw a play at the opera house.
-gained some "new flags".
-spent an estimated $8000AU.
-didnt miss home.

in a last minute decision last week i flew to perth to meet some estranged family. estranged, rich family. best choice ive ever made! i shouldve flewn out here march 1st. they spoil me with baths and expensive cheese. sometimes i get lost in their house though. ill be walking for 5 mins before i realize i am in fact in a closet. ive been hanging out with my "cousin" quite a bit since ive been here. its weird cause ive had cousins back home all my life that i dont hang out with. its kinda blows thinking that ill prolly never see these people again for the rest of my life. oh well, i survived 19 years w/o them in my life, whats 60 more?

i think i gotta go get ready to do something involving wealth now.

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