Veronica Mars

Jan 05, 2009 16:41

During these past Christmas Hols I finally gave in and started watching Veronica Mars. I loved it! So of course it was cancelled. *is grumpy*

To be honest, I've only watched S1 and S2, because as usual I spoiled myself and I haven't been able yet to muster up the nerve to watch S3, knowing what happens to Logan and Veronica... I'll get around to it sooner or later, but right now I really don't want to. I guess I can understand why the ratings dropped with the direction they took the characters in, and I've read apparently the plot and the mysteries were no longer as strong and great... Any fans on my flist who followed what happened and can tell me? Is there any hope of it ever been taken up again (like Dead Like Me if the movie goes well) and maybe improved upon?

To follow the trend of "allow the bastards to be lovely and the heroes to be weak", of course my favourite character is Logan and by mid-S1 I was already a LoVe shipper. I even ventured in a few communities and read some fic! I just love the dynamic and the relationship and the possibilities of S1.

Can I has a Logan plz?

Aaaaanyway, Jason Dohring definitely won me over, and because of him I'm seriously tempted to give Moonlight a shot... Y/N, my dear flist? I've been avoiding it at first out of an irrational dislike for Sophia Myles, and then because it was dropped after only one season and I didn't want to bother. Should I watch it? I've seen the first episode and I have to admit I'm intrigued.

I need a Jason Dohring icon. Liek nao!

veronica mars, jason dohring

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