Pictures of London

Dec 26, 2008 23:20

I had some free time, so I thought I'd upload some of the pictures I took the last time I went to London at the beginning of November.

This is me and my friend Chiara, taking the traditional photo with the poor Guard. Don't look at me like that, she insisted.

Walking alongside the Thames...

We were there right before Remembrance Day, so yeah, lots of Poppies around.

Blackfriars Bridge...

The Tate Modern.

The Millennium Bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral as seen from a window inside the Tate Modern.

Um, random street?

Inside the Houses of Parliament.

View of the Big Ben from right outside the Houses of Parliament.

Chiara and I fooling around on the Westminster Bridge.

Chiara took a couple artsy pictures of me...

Three guesses as to why I took this picture, and the first two don't count.

They changed the Dalek window in Stratford!

The view from my seat for LLL (and the blasted column!)

And finally, a couple of very bad quality, very shaky and very blurry videos of David Tennant getting on stage for LLL. Blimey, it was dark, I couldn't lean on anything and my bloody arm was shaking I was so excited. But here you go.

Also, just because, pictures of my brother and our cat. Why did my brother have to steal all the good-looking genes in the family? I know I look nice, but he's just gorgeous, and without even trying. So not fair.

They're all a bit dark, sorry, my camera is being very temperamental and I don't know how to brighten them up...

london08, love's labour's lost, me

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