It's all RTD's fault

Jul 05, 2008 20:09

I don't know about you, but there are some songs that I associate with a fandom or a ship or a particular moment in a particular show, even if they apparently have nothing to do with it. Maybe because I'm very musical, but there are some pieces that can just make me re-live what I first felt when watching/reading an episode or a chapter or an image. My iPod is chock full of them.

Well, the latest addition is Time After Time by Cindy Lauper, in association with a particular Doctor/Rose moment in Doctor Who. (Who's seen the 4x12 Confidential knows what I'm talking about, who hasn't... what are you waiting for?) To be honest, I hadn't ever heard the song before last Saturday, or if I had I'd never taken notice.

Fact is, we were in the car last night, and it was late and I was tired and to my defense I wasn't at my best, emotions-wise. My step-mother was driving, and to fill the silence she put on a Cindy Lauper CD. I didn't even know she liked Cindy Lauper, let alone own a CD. Annnnnddd.... Time After Time came on. And I burst into tears. Had it happened last week, I wouldn't even have noticed. Maybe I would have thought "nice song", but nothing more. But it happened last night, and I started crying like a little girl, for no good reason ata ll. And had to give some sort of explanation to the other 5 bewildered occupants of the car. *facepalm*

This cliffhanger is killing me... and I'm staying away from lj from this moment until I have watched tonight's episode, or I know I will spoil myself. I'll keep busy, pack my bags (I'm leaving for London tomorrow afternoon), and then when everyone's asleep tonight I will gorge on these 65 minutes of Tennant goodness and RTD crazyness. And maybe I'll even write a reaction post. :D Under a cut, of course.


p.s. The title of tonight's Confidential scares me... T_T

doctor who

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