Dec 31, 2006 07:06
What have I been up to?
piano lesson
smelling bad because of work
sleep sleep sleep
piano lesson
The fact that I can't stand the taste of alcohol is a wonderful thing...otherwise I would drink myself to death from boredom. I never used to get bored. I don't really get bored now, because I am too fucking tired. My life is easy and I am such a lucky girl right now, horseshoes, clovers and all, but at the same time I feel like I have put myself on hold. I wasn't growing or changing and I knew it, so I set myself aside in order to just exist for awhile.
Does this make me a coward? Maybe. Definitely a bit. There isn't anything wrong with giving yourself a break, but wow...I'm just not sure that I want to do what I have been telling myself that I wanted to is, my mind has run amuck and now all those daydreamt goals have collided with a reality that I thought would be harsh and volatile and is instead tranquil and blurred. At this point, I want to get a degree in general studies and just work one random job after another (even though I know I would lose my fucking mind after a year or so of that). I'm just wondering where my ambition went. It took a different route and I'm wandering the fucking countryside of my mind right now, looking for the interstate and thinking "wow, I really have to pee..." How long will this last?...This pathetic, lukewarm journey of mine? And, the guilty confession, I am so happy right now. Bliss, all day long because of him. But sometimes, I am quiet enough to feel myself walking, eyes to the road, completely ashamed for not knowing my destination.