I haven't managed to write anything longer than a few paragraphs for a while, but I thought y'all might appreciate seeing what I have managed to write. Completely unbetaed, and quite rough as a result.
My take on sex pollen, Dean/Carter/Jaimie/Alex/Ty (bare-bones porn is Dean/Ty, and this is not Expanded-verse). Implied het. )
I promise if possessive!Dean gets any longer you will get first peek (well, along with rorylie). Because yes, Dean jealous over Carter would be hot. And Carter totally deserves to have someone jealous over him. Do you have a preference on who's making the green-eyed monster bite?
I don't especially want to have to acknowledge the canon Carter/Alex if I can avoid it. Personally if Dean's going to get jealous over someone, I kind of want Dante Rodriguez from Trinity to show up (pre-remarriage), because I think Dean might be more jealous of a guy than he would be a girl. Especially one with the kind of history that I set up for Carter and Dante--the whole partners-with-benefits thing. I need to get rorylie to send me the pic of Daniel Sunjata that we decided is what Dante looked like back when him and Carter were knocking boots (because the man is smoking in it).
And aww...at the welcome back. I haven't been feeling spectacularly fannish lately, unfortunately. My attention span is lacking. Which given the brand new job is a bit worrisome.
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