(no subject)

May 18, 2022 11:04

Holiday this week, wheeeeee!! Can't believe it's come around so quickly. I still have to clean most of the house and finish packing and check-in for our first flights and also finish lots of stuff for work, eeeeeeek.

We've found a new admin at work, hurrah. She starts in June, so only a few more weeks of me doing two jobs. Sadly, we've also lost our PMO manager, which is fine, because she was awful (a month in and she hadn't retained any training or information, I was literally showing her the exact same stuff two days apart, she didn't have half the skills she'd claimed to have in her interview, and I'm personally convinced she was still doing her old job part time because she was constantly distracted). So on the one hand, it's good she's gone, because we need people capable of pulling their weight, but on the other, bugger, that means another month at least of interviews and hiring and onboarding and the rest of us doing extra work until we get a new person on. Sigh.

We fly to Santorini on Friday. For a full, glorious week. I'll be there for my birthday, and we've booked a catamaran tour along the island's coast, and we'll get to see sunset from the boat. Cannot wait. It's not going to be ridiculously hot, like Dubai, but it should be beautifully sunny.

MIL and her partner are coming to stay in our house while we're away, again, which is good because we'll ask them to water the plants/veg and the cats will have company, but is also weird cos they want to be in my house for the whole week. Hence the need to clean things.

Last weekend G and I went to Thaxted for the day, and it was gloriously hot and sunny and we did a bit of exploring and ate Portuguese custard tarts and drank espresso on the steps of the guild hall. On the way home we swung by the farm shop because we decided a barbecue was in order - fab idea, sitting on the grass just eating grilled meat and veg.

Speaking of veg, the allotment is looking pretty good! The potatoes are running riot, the carrots look happy, the onions are doing well and the cabbages are in their element, as is the celeriac. Brussels are a bit slower, but doing ok, and the tomatoes are looking healthy too (fingers crossed for no blight this year!). Bought a cover for the strawberries, and we should have a harvest of those soon after we're back from holiday, now that they won't get eaten by the birds. We also sowed some corn and courgette seeds, but they're in the harsher ground, so we'll see how they do. Figgy v1 has come back from the dead, believe it or not, so we now have two fig trees - v1 still in a pot, where we stuck her when we thought she was dead.  V2 is in the ground, looking a little sorry for himself, but coming back to life. The cherry is definitely on end of life care though - new cherry tree will be bought when we get back. The soil round here is just kinda sucky, and we get incredible winds whipping through the allotment - maybe putting the fruit trees straight in the ground wasn't the best idea. Ah well. Peach, plum, and apricot are all doing well, so at least we've got some succeeding.

Right, back to work to continue ticking off my To Do list. Eek!

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