Migrating fandoms

Aug 04, 2007 21:05

I find the whole idea of having to rip up my very comfortable roots on LJ and try to set up somewhere else extremely depressing. I also find both the thought of LJ policing artistic content and the thought of drawings of/stories about children having sex disgusting. I resent both being told that LJ will delete journals on their whim (but not for the sort of trolling seen on feminist LJs) and being told that not stifling my objections to art and stories that make me gag means I'm censoring other people. I hate the dichotomy that means I can either "support" 6A's habit of censoring at random or "support" the idea that having any community standards at all is equivalent to censorship. They both suck.

There used to be an HP for grownups fic community, but it seems to have died. I want it back. If any of you are involved in the coding thing going on at Scribblit, the one feature that would guarantee that I would make the effort of moving would be the ability to filter communities based on tags, so that I could watch fandom communities and not see the chan. I would still have the problem of having to be vigilant because I don't think my employers would be thrilled to see me even peripherally involved in a community that condones the idea that (even fictional) 11 year olds can consent to have sex with adults, but at least I wouldn't have to see the stories themselves.

rage, fanfic

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