Title: REX!
tay_21Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Warning/Advertisements: None.
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Written for Primeval_100, challenge: Rex
“Rex, get down here with that this minute! I mean it, Abby loves you, but if she catches you with Nicky’s teething ring again she’s going to make shoes out of you.”
Rex loop-de-looped through the air, toy clutched between his teeth.
Connor stepped on the coffee table. “I need things to go smoothly when she gets home. Please, for old times sake?” Connor made a jump for Rex, missed him completely and came crashing down inside the travel cot. “Owww.”
“Connor, we’re home. What’s that noise?”
Rex chirruped and dropped the teething ring into the cot next to Connor.