001 [Holo]

Jun 28, 2009 23:46

Sunshine stepped out into...


No way that was right. This was not the road through nowheresville. Over nowhereseville. Well, the point was this was nothing like nowheresville. Nowheresville didn't have lighting this good. This looked like a set from one of the later divisions of the Star Trek franchise. But with more of a budget.

Further demonstrating the wrongness of the situation was the clear lack of Con. No vampire-in-the-room feeling. And that was wrong. Ha ha. She'd been spending too much time in the wrong company. Just in case, she added quietly, "Con?" No answer.

Sunshine reached into her pocket. She'd transferred the pocketknife when she'd changed into these awful black jeans, hadn't she? Her fingers closed around the small oval form. Yes. That was comforting. Whatever this was, she wasn't unprepared.

She frowned. There was something on her wrist. She held it up to look. A silver bracelet. Thick. Not her kind of fashion statement, anything on your hands and wrists tended to get in the way when you spent large parts of your life up to your elbows in dough. There didn't seem to be a clasp of any sort. Or any wards. She tugged on it. It didn't budge.

What was going on? This didn't have anything to do with the Others, at least not with the Darkest Others. If this was some SOF trick, there would be khaki in evidence in the room, right? Nevertheless, she asked the room, "Is this SOF?" Again, no answer. Was she being loud enough? Hard to tell.

Had she finally snapped? Maybe this was an institution of some sort, which she would now be stuck in, having ax-murdered half the population of Old Town. Convenient that she'd repressed the memories of that.

Would they give ax-murdering bad magic crosses this much space, though? And a door at the other end of the room?

Did she really want to open that door at the end of the room?

“Hello? Is somebody here? Or close to here?” She started loud and grew louder, since anyone here was hiding pretty well. There could be a commlink of some kind, though. Her eyes fell on the nearby pedestal. The thing on top of it looked pretty technical. Of course, she didn't have the best history with comboxes recently. She walked over, but kept from touching it. It definitely looked like some kind of commbox. She leaned over it. "Is this thing on?"

(( I'm sorry for the delay. >.< And if you haven't seen it, permissions. ))

{ rupert giles, { dawn summers, { rae 'sunshine' seddon, { dean winchester

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