[ shí­ liù - location: frye ranch - visual ]

Sep 01, 2011 16:48

As the tablet switches on, the first noticeable thing is the absolute silence. Bao isn’t pouncing around in the background, there are no strange machines being tested in the shop, and the rumble of Serenity is missing, despite the fact that the ship can be seen clearly through the window behind Kaylee ( Read more... )

jenna sommers, fitz kreiner, wyatt cain, martha jones, dg, { rose, kaylee frye, mayland long

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[Visual] imperial_long September 2 2011, 08:24:49 UTC
Long met River only the once, and the meeting hadn't been especially meaningful-- he'd only been conscious of how absurd everything he was saying sounded-- but he can register that to Kaylee, at least, the missing girl was more than just an acquaintance.

"Kaylee? I am sorry for your loss," he says in Mandarin, after flipping his tablet on to reply. "As the saying is... You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. Is there anything I can do?"


[ visual ] gotcouplings September 6 2011, 01:59:30 UTC
Her initial reaction had been to simply reply in text, but Long offers such a small comfort--one that she needs almost more than anything right now--that she can't just turn him away. It takes some time, but the tablet switches back on, and Kaylee peers at Long from behind the pillow in her lap.

"Thank you," she replies softly, in Mandarin that is much clumsier than his. "The offer means more than I can say. I am having a hard time thinking of anything, though."


[ visual ] imperial_long September 6 2011, 06:59:58 UTC
Long's face over the tablet is sympathetic, expression kinder than his usual distant politeness. He is fond of Kaylee-- her warm optimism and sweet innocence-- and accordingly tries a little harder.

"I could bring you some tea? Or... treat you to dinner, perhaps? There are a number of decent restaurants in the city. But you should not, I think, be alone."


[ visual ] gotcouplings September 6 2011, 18:14:49 UTC
There's a small hint of a weak smile behind the pillow. It isn't much, a normal reaction of trying to reassure someone that it's okay, she's alright.

"There is plenty of tea around already, but getting out of the house sounds...nice." Nice, and like a very good idea, because Kaylee doesn't want to be sitting here alone any more than Long thinks she should be.


[visual ] imperial_long September 6 2011, 21:40:59 UTC
"Dinner, then, or a walk-- you could give me a tour of your ranch?"

Long isn't the best at comfort; it's not something that comes naturally to him. But he'll offer anything that might help, in all earnestness.


[ visual ] gotcouplings September 6 2011, 23:25:01 UTC
The fact that he's trying speaks volumes, and that in itself is plenty of comfort.

"Maybe a bit of both?" Anything that might keep her out of the quiet for just a little while.


[ visual ] imperial_long September 11 2011, 02:09:56 UTC
"Very well. I can come and see the ranch, and from there we shall see how you feel, xiao mei?"

Long is collecting his coat as he talks, obviously prepared to head right over.

['little sister']


[ visual ] gotcouplings September 29 2011, 06:25:30 UTC
"I'd like that a lot." Kaylee is already fairly sure that she will feel like dinner. It doesn't matter whether or not she's hungry, more that she won't have to see the traces of River around the small house.

"Door is open."


[ visual --> Location] imperial_long September 30 2011, 07:25:52 UTC
"I am on my way."

Good as his word, Long can be seen coming up to the house some minutes later. He looks thoughtful as he walks; the last time he had been there had been Kaylee's birthday party, a time of cheer and social niceties and cake. And Kaylee's friend River had still been present.

Such a change, in so short a time, relatively speaking.

He knocked at the door and opened it at the same time, since she had said it would already be open.

"Kaylee? Your distraction has arrived; hopefully I shall manage to fill the role adequately..."


[ Location ] gotcouplings October 9 2011, 18:11:09 UTC
That's how Taxon works, Kaylee figures. Letting you have wonderful, fantastically happy times, and then taking it all away because some hamster in the sky did something stupid, all to rinse and repeat for next week.

She will get over the loss, and she knows it. She's done it before, for several friends. Right now, though, it still hurts.

"Think you'll manage just fine," she replies, attempting a small smile as she waves him in. "Just not bein' here alone is a good start, I think."


[ Location ] imperial_long October 18 2011, 06:20:34 UTC
"Shared joy is double the joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow," Long murmurs, closing the door behind him. "Or so the Swedes say."

He hesitates, because what he is about to offer is completely and utterly not within his normal nature, and it's only because Kaylee seems to like giving them so much that he entertains this idea at all.

"I apologize if the offer is unwelcome, but if you would like a hug, I suppose I could provide one."

(Way to kill all the sweetness of the gesture, Mr. Long. Dork.)


[ Location ] gotcouplings October 19 2011, 06:00:44 UTC
She pushes out a small laugh, but it doesn't do much more than make her feel more bitter about the whole situation. "Smart Swedes."

There's a turnaround, though. Long hesitates, and for a moment Kaylee's worries go away just from pure curiosity as to what's got him so awkward suddenly. Well, besides the crying and unhappy girl.

As soon as he proposes a hug, her eyes well up all over again, and she nods her head. "I'd like one, if you mean it."


[ Location ] imperial_long October 19 2011, 21:06:00 UTC
"Well, they have managed to avoid getting into any wars for a few centuries," Long murmurs, as evidence of the Swedish intelligence.

Long does not carry handkerchiefs-- he considers them barbaric-- or he would offer one to Kaylee with her bright eyes.

"I cannot promise I am any good at them," he says gently, "but yes, I mean it, for whatever that may count?"


[ Location ] gotcouplings October 20 2011, 07:11:18 UTC
The Swedes probably know what they're talking about, then. Anyone who can manage a few hundred years of no war has to know something. They couldn't even manage No Wars in the 'verse for more than about two minutes.

Kaylee shakes her head, shifting to make room for Long next to her.

"You're shiny at 'em, if a little stiff," she critiques from memory. "If you like, I can walk you through it?" It's a feeble attempt at taunting him, but it's there. And she really will walk him through if necessary.


[ Location ] imperial_long October 20 2011, 07:37:02 UTC
He half-smiles at Kaylee's endorsement-- and outright chuckles at her offer. "Well, I would do better if there were a textbook to explain them," he admits with a self-deprecating smile, then comes the rest of the way inside.

He takes the spot on the couch next to Kaylee, and offers her an arm. Totally clear he doesn't give hugs ever often, but he's making the attempt.


[ Location ] gotcouplings November 1 2011, 19:03:33 UTC
In this case, it's more the thought that counts than the actual quality of the hug, and Kaylee is actually kind of happy that Long is even offering in the first place. Will Taxon never cease to amaze?

"These're better to figure out in practice than in text anyhow." A small hint of a smile crosses her mouth, and she leans to wrap her arms around his torso.


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