[ shí­ liù - location: frye ranch - visual ]

Sep 01, 2011 16:48

As the tablet switches on, the first noticeable thing is the absolute silence. Bao isn’t pouncing around in the background, there are no strange machines being tested in the shop, and the rumble of Serenity is missing, despite the fact that the ship can be seen clearly through the window behind Kaylee.

The mechanic herself is curled up on one end of her couch, legs drawn up to hold the pillow she’s buried her face into. It seems she’s been there for some time, and one might almost think she was asleep except for the occasional shake of her shoulders.

She cries like this for a while, and the tablet goes unnoticed until Bao jumps up on the table. There’s a glimpse of grey underbelly as he flops onto the tablet, then rolls to play with it and bat it off the table. The tablet goes falling to the floor, and Kaylee gives a deep sigh before going to pick it up.

“Playin’ with the gorram thing ain’t gonna help much,” she tells the cat between hiccups, and frowns deeply as she realizes it’s recording. The mechanic sighs again, and sets the tablet down while she wipes at her eyes with a grimy sleeve. She does her best to give Taxon at least a small smile. “Not exactly how I was planning on breakin’ the news,” she starts, slow and careful in an attempt to keep her voice even. “Those’a you that know her, River’s...” Deep breath. “River’s gone home. ’Bout time, y-yeah? Good for her.”

The tears start welling up again, and Kaylee quickly shuts off the tablet.

jenna sommers, fitz kreiner, wyatt cain, martha jones, dg, { rose, kaylee frye, mayland long

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