Normal Operations Resuming: Now

Sep 01, 2011 14:13

After much diligent work, the alien technicians have successfully rebooted the Taxon project. Citizens will not notice the interruption to services their lives, and will wake up with no idea that the city (and they themselves) had briefly ceased to exist. It will be September, and there will be nothing wrong with that.

Nothing wrong aside from missing friends and loved ones - absent as a result of records lost to the Other Aliens' hacking attempt - that is. A few citizens will have holes and blind spots in their memories which are unnoticeable to them, another residual effect of the attack.

Beyond that, life continues on. It is chilly at dawn as the fake sun begins to climb its false sky, the Extras open their shops, the animals stir in the zoo and the forest, and the citizens of Taxon awake to face a brand new day.

ooc: And we're back! Thank you once again for your patience.

+ aliens

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