039 ± [visual | location: the northern island] all us snakes find our tails pretty damn tasty

Jul 18, 2011 12:06

When Glitch awoke, he knew the following: that he was in Taxon, in the palace, in his own room, in his own bed, his limbs were comfortably entangled with DG's, his right shoulder ached a bit but that was typical and would fade as the day went on, and that there was a lengthy list of things he wanted to accomplish. When plans for how to organize and ( Read more... )

glitch, { temperance brennan, (anytime), wyatt cain, { river tam, @ wilde, { dan dreiberg

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[ text | private ] bonescientist July 18 2011, 16:53:51 UTC
Certainly. What is it that I could help you with?


[ text | private ] justaddmarbles July 18 2011, 19:08:58 UTC
[ there's a bit of a delay in getting back to her, as he's a bit horrified at himself for wanting to do it, but curiosity wins out. ]

I'd like to try and determine exactly what's in my head, and I think you'd be the best person to assist with that.


[ text | private ] bonescientist July 19 2011, 20:15:04 UTC
[ similarly, she takes a moment to respond, sorting out her own feelings about glitch's request before typing up her reply. ]

While I'm gratified by your trust and am willing to assist in any manner I can, I feel compelled to point out that I'm not actually a medical doctor. You don't think one would be preferable for this task?


[ text | private ] justaddmarbles July 19 2011, 20:23:34 UTC
I remember, and that's actually why I'd rather see you. [ so, so many issues. ] May I come by the Jeffersonian this afternoon?


[ text | private ] bonescientist July 19 2011, 20:46:32 UTC
[ brennan doesn't quite understand that logic, but hey. it does give her something to put her mind into, at least. ]

You're welcome to do so, of course. I can meet you by the main entrance.


[location: the jeffersonian] justaddmarbles July 20 2011, 18:50:58 UTC
And so later that day Glitch arrived, dressed in a gray and white seersucker suit and carrying a worn attache case. In the case was a book on headcasing he'd taken from the palace library, as he figured it might come in handy. Or maybe Brennan would just be interested in the babaric penal practices of another world. Either way, it's bookmarked with pretty ribbons.


[location: the jeffersonian] bonescientist July 23 2011, 22:17:04 UTC
As she had promised, Brennan was waiting for him by the main entrance of the enormous museum complex, hands tucked in the pockets of her blue labcoat. She couldn't deny being curious, but she still had some doubts about this particular venture. However, she was willing to keep an open mind. Besides, it wouldn't do to jump to conclusions. She'd hear Glitch out first and acquire the facts before making any final decisions, like any good scientist.

With a small, polite smile, Brennan inclined her head a little in greeting. "Welcome to the Jeffersonian. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to my office so that we may discuss this in peace."

Not that there were anyone around to overhear but the Extras who took care of their menial maintenance jobs on the museum side of the institution, but Brennan still preferred the privacy of the anthropology unit that she considered as her sanctum, free of any Extras.


[location: the jeffersonian] justaddmarbles July 29 2011, 01:02:51 UTC
And Glitch nodded right back, as is his custom. "Thank you, yes, that's a fantastic idea."

He followed along, gawking openly at everything. The sleek modernity was completely at odds with everything he remembered from the O.Z., and yet he was reminded of his labs in Finaqua (which he could almost remember now, almost), the open spaces...or maybe it was the beckoning gardens outside. Either way, he's obviously impressed.

"This is an amazing facility you have. It's from your world?"


[location: the jeffersonian] bonescientist August 3 2011, 18:20:52 UTC
"It is, yes," Brennan smiled, deriving a bit of pride but also a touch of amusement out of Glitch's evident state of awe at the institution. "It's where I've worked at for the last ten years. While the Jeffersonian is primarily a museum, it's also a prestigious research and teaching facility. We work frequently on extensive authentication and conservation projects here in the lab areas which are normally off limits to the public visiting the museum side of the institution."

Security was, of course, less of an issue here in Taxon than it had been back in DC. Brennan led Glitch through the forensics lab and into her softly-lit office at the far-end of the laboratory area, striding towards the cozy couch opposite a coffee table and two chairs.

"Please, have a seat," she said, sitting down on one of the chairs. "Perhaps you could tell me a bit more about what exactly you had in mind regarding this request of yours?"

...Don't mind the mummy in a glass case in the corner of the room, Glitch.


[location: the jeffersonian] justaddmarbles August 7 2011, 20:43:01 UTC
"Museum." Glitch murmured. nodding. "I'll have to look around, I've still just got these...kinda vague ideas bout the Otherside, I want to know more."

And he really wanted to poke the fancy equipment and ask why and how and what's it for, but dutifully kept his hands behind his back. He'd have plenty of time to learn, probably.

The mummy did get side-eyed, but Glitch had other matters to attend to. He perched on the couch and set the book down on the table, facing her.

"I think I need to start by explaining what happened to me to begin with," he remarked wryly. "I think I I gave you the short and vague explanation? A wicked witch took my brain so she could build a thing, or something like that?"


[location: the jeffersonian] bonescientist August 8 2011, 18:56:16 UTC
Brennan glanced at the book Glitch settled on the table between them curiously before fixing the man himself an attentive look, frowning just slightly in thought at his question. It's true that she knew relatively little about why exactly Glitch's head was in the state that it was, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't interested to hear more.

"Yes, vague is a good descriptive. I don't recall a mention of a witch, however, so perhaps starting from the beginning would be a good idea," she nodded her agreement, holding back her questions for now.


[location: the jeffersonian] PREPARE FOR EVERY TL;DR IN THE WORLD justaddmarbles August 9 2011, 19:31:11 UTC
"Oh." Glitch blinked, the realized he didn't often get the chance to explain it in detail. The vague explanation either sufficed or resulted in a distinct I don't want to know."All right, well, best place to start is probably here." He flipped the book open to a page marked by a red ribbon that had some diagrams he didn't really look at. "It's commonly known as headcasing, and initially it was a punative measure designed to...re-educate criminals. It was viewed as more humane than capital punishment, and was reserved for those who committed the worst crimes. The basic process removed a portion of the brain, made them 'prisoners of their own minds'. Harmless." He almost said 'defenseless' but was trying to stay as clinical and objective as possible for this part ( ... )


[location: the jeffersonian] GIMME AND FORGIVE ME MY LATE TAG. bonescientist August 14 2011, 20:46:18 UTC
Brennan, on the other hand, leaned in to study the book's pages with marked interest for a few moments before tilting her head up to look at Glitch, refocusing on listening to the rest of the explanation before she got too immersed in the book to catch everything he was saying. By the time he was done, Brennan had so many reactions and even more questions that she didn't quite know how to pick the most suitable response.

"I can't even-- That's..." she faltered, shaking her head. "That's utterly barbaric."

She opened her mouth to say something more, but the information was just too much; something like that would never be allowed back home, would very likely not even work. She wanted to ask the questions that kept popping in her head, but instead glanced down at the diagrams on the book again and bit her lip. Sighing, she looked back up at Glitch, feeling a strange sense of foreboding.

"Initially, you said? What happened to the practice? How did you end up a victim of it?"


[location: the jeffersonian] justaddmarbles August 15 2011, 17:34:16 UTC
Glitch grimaced and nodded. "My people...we know goodness and we know wickedness, but for a while we had a hard time telling the difference ( ... )


[location: the jeffersonian] bonescientist August 17 2011, 20:18:47 UTC
Straightening from her slight hunched pose over the book, Brennan leaned back in the cushioned chair and inhaled slowly, blue eyes wide and shocked.

"...Oh." The small sound was equal parts bafflement and helplessness. Glitch's explanation sounded like something straight out of a fairy tale, complete with an evil sorceress. The concept sounded so fantastical that it was difficult for Brennan to accept. She had to keep reminding herself that she wasn't in D.C. anymore and that what she thought as impossible and implausible didn't mean a thing in Taxon. She was closing in on a year in the alien city and this still wasn't something she took for granted.

Shaking her head a little as if to put an end to her meandering thoughts, Brennan collected herself.

"Did she..." she paused, uncertain. Clearing her throat gently, she tried again. "Did she find another way to build this machine? The sorceress?"


[location: the jeffersonian] justaddmarbles September 6 2011, 20:10:39 UTC
Glitch nodded. "They were able to pull the plans from my brain, then used it to run the machine."

Then threw the rest of him away, and then there was ten years of things he didn't (want to) remember but probably could now if he tried, and then he met DG. Back tot eh topic at hand.

"So...my brain and the rest of my memories are back in the O.Z., they - the aliens - gave that back to me once, but this is different." He tapped his head, causing the zipper's tab to jangle. "I wanna know what's in here now, instead."


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