039 ± [visual | location: the northern island] all us snakes find our tails pretty damn tasty

Jul 18, 2011 12:06

When Glitch awoke, he knew the following: that he was in Taxon, in the palace, in his own room, in his own bed, his limbs were comfortably entangled with DG's, his right shoulder ached a bit but that was typical and would fade as the day went on, and that there was a lengthy list of things he wanted to accomplish. When plans for how to organize and execute that list started to come together he realized that knowing all of this was highly unusual.

Then he remembered (very very clearly) the type-sender and the lobster container and the generator and the bargain with the hamster and gasped. Very carefully he reached up to touch the top of his head...and frowned because the zipper was still there. Then again he had only been promised the rest of his brain, nothing had been said about getting rid of the headgear.

"Well, it's a start," Glitch whispered and gently disentangled himself from both princess and bedclothes, got up, hauled on pants, and found himself staring at the reflection in the frosted window.

Himself, sans zipper and with a slightly neater haircut, dressed casually with his sleeves rolled up and a confident smile on his face. Behind him was the shop, organized at last, a place for everything and everything in its place.

"Yes, I figured it out, thank you," he sighed, then glanced back at the bed and wondered exactly how he was going to explain this to DG. Thankfully, his brand-new brains immediately began supplying ideas.

Sometime later he was in the kitchen, having whipped up a massive kettle of muglug, and switched on the tablet to tell the rest of the city the news. "Hello everyone, it's--"

Oh dear, who was he? He knew without even having to think about it that his name was Ambrose Evedward Langwe but it didn't feel quite right, not un-earned just not...right. He recalled what he'd sung when the city'd been infused with music, the once muted, hazy memory now mostly clear. Must I choose, Glitch or Ambrose--

"Or something in between those, now I've finally got my-- whoops, that was out loud." He laughed and shook his head. "The technical difficulties settle it: it's Glitch, just one hundred percent brainier. It's one of those 'woke up different' things so we'll see how long it lasts. Just wanted to give you all a head's up."

Yep, claim it's a glitch and carry on, that was all he could do. Well, that and send a quick private text to Brennan:Hello Temperance. Is there any way you could do a favor for me?

ooc - item petition: complete! I'll bash together an post on the OOC comm (ETA: HERE!) detailing what I think this is all going to mean. Good times.

glitch, { temperance brennan, (anytime), wyatt cain, { river tam, @ wilde, { dan dreiberg

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