[ shí­ wǔ - location: frye ranch - visual ]

Jul 02, 2011 15:28

The Frye House kitchen seems to be going full steam. There's a tea pot on the stove, baking supplies spread out over the counter, and one mechanic bustling about in the middle of it all. She's a lot more cheerful now than she was a year ago, when systems were shutting down and they were all suffocating. Definitely a better day, and by far a better birthday (even with people going home).

She smiles down at her tablet, raising a spatula covered with pink cake batter in greeting. "I'd like to invite anybody who wants to come by the ranch for a little party tonight. The weather's nice enough for it, and there'll be snacks and drinks aplenty for anybody who wants 'em. Don't gotta bring anythin' special, just yourself. Seems like a shiny day for having a get-together without us all bein' stuck in the same building."

Invitation standing, she gives the tablet another grin, then turns it off as she sets back to work. It's a good distraction, and even if nobody shows up there will probably be plenty of citizens who walk out of their door to find baskets of goodies in the morning.

The tablet switches itself back on just in time to catch Kaylee humming the last few bars of 'Happy Birthday to You.'

[[ OoC: No seriously, party post, get your butts in here and mingle!! ]]

fitz kreiner, { don draper, martha jones, { piper halliwell, dg, kaylee frye, mayland long, willow rosenberg, { river tam, { alexis castle

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