1 [Arrival to Taxon]

Jun 30, 2011 15:13

Eowyn woke up slowly. The last she remembered was that she had passed out on a battlefield. She slowly pushed herself up from the cold floor, wincing when she put pressure on her broken arm, which had been tended to, though she couldn’t think of anyone who would have done so. She also noticed that she was no longer in the armor she had worn, but that she was in a long white robe. It was at this moment that she noticed the strange bracelet on her wrist. This would have puzzled her of course, but her attention was soon drawn to her surroundings, and the matter of her tended injuries and new clothes didn’t seem very important.

She stumbled to her feet, frantically looking around at the sterile room she found herself in. This certainly wasn’t a place in Rohan, and while Gondor held many differences from her own realm, she knew that it couldn’t possible contain something like this. The entire room was made of metal, and she couldn’t help but think that this was some sort of devilry concocted by Saruman before his death at Orthanc. “What is this place? Surely it cannot be a dream!” Eowyn ran over to where a sword lay, pulling the belt around her waist and securing it tightly. She brought the blade out of its scabbard with her good hand and approached the middle of the room where a pedestal stood; some sort of devise laying on top of it.

She moved slowly, cautiously, turning her head to look around in case something unfavorable should appear behind her. She did make it to the center of the room, and she lowered the sword in favor of inspecting the strange item sitting on top of it. After returning the sword to its scabbard, she slowly stretched out her hand and touched it, retreating her hand after she felt its smooth surface. Living in the shadow of Saruman and Isengard, she knew better than to mess around with strange objects. It didn’t seem like a dangerous item though, but she remained cautious. She noticed that there was a hinge, and she slowly opened it, revealing the screen and keyboard. She pressed a few keys, but nothing happened. “This is an odd thing.” Eowyn pressed more buttons, eventually turning on the devise, the screen glowing, at which she cried out and dropped the tablet to the floor. “Surely this is the work of a wizard.” Again, she looked around, as if expecting Saruman or even Gandalf to suddenly appear behind her.

She bit her lip. If this was indeed an object from Isengard, she shouldn’t mess around with it. Then again, she didn’t really see a way out of the room she was in either, so perhaps she could use it to her advantage somehow. Eowyn approached the tablet again, sitting herself on the ground as she set it upright on the floor. There were various icons on the touch screen, and she touched one of them, a holographic map suddenly appearing above the screen. It didn’t look familiar to her at all. She frowned, and touched a few more icons, but she couldn’t understand what any of them did. “Perhaps this is a dream. If it is, then when am I going to awaken?” She sighed, but picked herself up while also grabbing the tablet while she walked over the wall. Dream or not, she wanted to find a way out of this room.

(day), # intro post, mayland long, { rorschach, @ central, willow rosenberg, { eowyn

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