[Halo] This is not the tea break it was meant to be

May 16, 2009 17:32

Ten minutes. That was all he wanted, just ten minutes of quiet to drink his tea and perhaps read a chapter of a book without any fighting, yelling, complaining or weapon tossing going on around him. He had hoped his library might provide a safe haven, as few of the girls seemed to have any use of the space other then using it as temporary ( Read more... )

{ rupert giles, { faith lehane, { xander harris, willow rosenberg, buffy summers, { jack o'neill, { charlotte blaine

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[visual] loveme_fearme May 18 2009, 01:42:55 UTC
Faith, upon seeing Giles pop up on her tablet, got to wondering if everyone from the old gang was going to show up here. Regardless, it wasn't half bad seeing Giles.

"Hey, G-man. Joining the Taxon club, huh? Good show," she said, only slightly mocking the Brit-deal.


Re: [visual] erudite_watcher May 18 2009, 03:26:14 UTC
Giles winced at the nick-name but resisted correcting her; there didn't seem to be a point. He only raised a single eyebrow.

"Hello, Faith. Is that where we are?"


loveme_fearme May 18 2009, 03:52:07 UTC
She nodded, happy to know she still had it. Poor Giles, having to be subjected to Faith's purposely instigating vernacular.

"It is indeed. You complete the Scooby circle, too. Well, kind of," she said. "Willow's all different universe entirely I guess."


erudite_watcher May 18 2009, 19:46:31 UTC
Faith looked alder, and less threatening, so he assumed she was closer in age to the woman he knew now rather then the angry girl of a few years ago. "And what universe are you from? Are you - that is have we - We just battled the First a few weeks ago."


loveme_fearme May 18 2009, 20:22:50 UTC
"Oh, you're filled in, huh?" That was good, Faith wasn't really a reknowned coddler or the informative type.

"You and I did a little undercover work, actually. Taught me to be a proper English lady and everything," she smiled. She knew she wouldn't have the kind of trust she'd built with this Giles, and it made her a little sad but she wouldn't let it affect her. She would leave out the part where he and Buffy weren't getting along. Wasn't her business.


erudite_watcher May 19 2009, 03:25:18 UTC
"I have the bare bones of what's going on, I believe. Enough to know that we're seemingly trapped here, along with a majority of people we're not connected to in an obvious way. Myself, you, Buffy, Willow and Xander; are there any other Sunnydale residents I should be aware of?" It was a relief to know that the others were all here, even if their timeline was out of sync.

It was possibly a pleasure to know that the tentative rapport he and Faith were building would continue in some fashion. "That sounds rather like I was Henry Higgins to your Eliza DoLittle. Hard to imagine."


loveme_fearme May 19 2009, 04:09:06 UTC
Faith wrinkled her nose in confusion - she got most pop culture references but there was the odd occasion they were lost on her.

"The dude that can talk to animals? No," Faith corrected, only slightly frustrated. "I had to get into a prissy ass party and befriend this rogue slayer, take her down. There was...drama but I think it was cooling off. Buffy can fill you in, it's not really my thing."

She thought about anyone they had missed and shook her head. "Nobody but you Scoobs and me. There's a veggie vamp lurking around somewhere. Oh, and a slayer from the future, Melaka."


erudite_watcher May 19 2009, 22:24:36 UTC
"No animals, though Rex Harrison did play the lead in both plays. I was referring to My Fair.." But no, there really wasn't a point in explaining, other then avoiding less pleasant subjects.

"I'm sorry, that I had to ask you to do that. It's not a situation I'd ever want to be forced to ask another to enter." He could understand, though, why it might become necesary. Already he'd had a few uneasy nights, wondering about all the girls out there and how they were coping with the new-found power.


loveme_fearme May 19 2009, 23:41:25 UTC
She was happy to let the confusion drop, knowing she'd missed something. It didn't seem to be a big deal, or he probably would've started cleaning the specs.

"It wasn't completely altruistic on my part. You were going to get me out of the country, out of the life," she admitted. It was odd; now that she was in that situation, she couldn't help but want to return to her old life. Still, she kept quiet about the divide that had happened between Buffy and him.


erudite_watcher May 20 2009, 05:27:55 UTC
Giles winced. Bribery. He'd asked Faith to do something so horrible, and he'd bribed her with freedom, the one thing he knew she wouldn't be able to resist. Even though it had yet to happen he felt ashamed. Perhaps somewhere the ghost of Quintin Travers was laughing at him.

"Is there - that is, speaking over this thing is rather odd. Are you around here somewhere?"


loveme_fearme May 27 2009, 23:13:59 UTC
"Yeah, check it out," Faith started. "If you can switch to the map? Should be a --" She stopped, remembering that this was Giles the Amazing Anti-Technology Man.

"I'm coming to you," she amended, seeing he wasn't far from her room in the Sanctuary. As she walked, she held the tablet in front of her. "Hate to break it to you, but you'll have to get the hang of these things eventually. Use them a lot around here..."


erudite_watcher May 28 2009, 22:34:24 UTC
Oh bloody... this was just getting better and better, wasn't it? Not only was he transported to this place where apparently his own timeline was out of kilter with those of his friends but it was a place that relied on technology. Not books, hard work or any of the things that should matter but the ability to understand naff little boxes closed up in plastic.

"And suddenly I find myself withing for a nest of vampires or a fire breathing demon. That, at least, I'd know how to deal with."


[Location: Sanctuary, hallway] loveme_fearme May 28 2009, 23:03:57 UTC
"You and me both, man," she answered emphatically. "But trust me, there's not a lick of slaying material around."

She moseyed on through the hallways and staircases until she finally saw him, looking very put out with this situation. Faith nodded in greeting and attached the tablet to her wrist, then she gave him a seedy grin. "Looking good, Giles."


[Location: Sanctuary, hallway] erudite_watcher May 29 2009, 00:40:01 UTC
"That doesn't sound as promising as it should." he offered her a wry grin. "Nothing to fight, that is. It should be a vacation for us, after everything, but it feels... wrong."

He was relieved to no longer have to address the tablet, and to get a better look at the woman. "You look... good too."


loveme_fearme May 29 2009, 02:31:42 UTC
"Vacation with a side of alien abduction," she adds, simply responding to the compliment with a smile. She feels a little awkward, with the divide in their timelines, so she picks something out of the air to say.

"Hey, I can pick out a salad fork 'cause of you now," she says, as if it's something important.


erudite_watcher May 29 2009, 04:21:52 UTC
"Alien abduction," he said with a humorless laugh. "Perhaps someone was afraid that a life on the hellmouth followed by trying to find a way to track and train thousands of new Slayers was too tame?"

"A salad fork?" He's confused for a moment, as if he's missing a cue in a play. What's my line? "Ah yes, you said I had taught you some etiquette."


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