015 ✖ [location: taxon mall] nothing of significance, besides a shadow of a dream.

Feb 06, 2010 22:10

It was February. It would only be a few more months before the first "anniversary" of Sheppard arriving in Taxon. He was painfully aware of it, missed his team like hell, and thinking about it just made him that more agitated. Maybe that was another reason why he had been hanging around Mitchell and Vala.

He wasn't Daniel Jackson. He only knew the addresses in the Pegasus Galaxy and some in the Milky Way Galaxy. If his hunch was right? Taxon was in a separate Galaxy and there was no telling what Gate Symbols they had to use to get the SGC Gate working. It didn't matter if they had enough power in the galaxy to fuel the Gate if they couldn't figure out where to dial to. Alternatively, he had thought about trying to replicate a Puddle Jumper; but the hatch was way too small for that.

After a few days of pacing around either his room or the mess hall of the SGC, Sheppard decided not to think about it. He'd refocus on it when he had a better idea of what the hell he could do. Sheppard headed to the Taxon Mall. He didn't shop, it was more of a girl thing. He only helped negotiate trading parties. This wasn't the same thing by a long shot.

The first thing he went for was the barbecues. February also marked the coming up of spring. If the nice weather was going to come back in Taxon? He wanted a nice one to make stakes on. Hell, maybe he'd even teach Chase how to use it. Which meant he was looking at the charcoal models.

"Not too bad." Sheppard said as he inspected a black one. "Could be bigger, though."

{ mary winchester, { john sheppard, { cordelia chase

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