Jan 20, 2010 13:56

There's a great deal of static, interspersed with the sound of swearing and then a precariously tilted look at a wall and the edge of a bunk, before the image finally rights itself and clears to reveal Jayne's way-to-close-to-the-screen face ( Read more... )

{ dawn summers, { jayne cobb, { dean winchester, { faith lehane, dg, { the master, kaylee frye, { inara serra

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Comments 66

[ visual ] thesecondslayer January 20 2010, 19:02:56 UTC
Faith makes a wtf face before flipping her tablet on and trying her level best to look serious. (Also half naked and covered in sweat, but sue her: she works out a lot. There's not a lot else to do in Taxon, okay?)

"Who wants to know?" Don't tease the large man with the gun, Faith.


[ visual ] myveryownriot January 20 2010, 19:06:02 UTC
Oh heeeeey, it's the hot babe in leather. Jayne grins that shit-eating grin, the one that says he thinks he's a lot smoother than he really is.

"Name's Jayne Cobb. You work for yourself or you got one'a them, uh...houses 'f ill repute."


[ visual ] thesecondslayer January 20 2010, 19:44:37 UTC
Oh heeeeey, it's the hot guy who might be brain damaged. Faith will just be smirking, now. And maybe angling the shot so her weights rack and punching bag show, because she's being evil.

"Sorry, babe. I'm wicked expensive, pretty sure you can't afford me."


[ visual ] myveryownriot January 20 2010, 19:49:38 UTC
Normally Jayne's all about whores being like...well, like whores. Soft and pretty-smelling and stuff. But he won't lie, there's something interesting about a woman who works out and hasn't threaten to make him a eunuch. Yet.

"I got money. And I can get more, just gotta maybe do some tradin'." Of...things he'll most likely steal from the rest of the crew, but shh.


[ voice ] tothelibrary January 20 2010, 19:05:51 UTC
Third house from the left streetcorner in Wilde. It's bright pink, you can't miss it.

[ ...Dawn. ]


[ visual ] myveryownriot January 20 2010, 19:09:17 UTC
The random voices not attached to any pictures on the screen or actual people whose names he knows are a little bothersome to Jayne, but he's learning to adjust. So he only looks a little unnerved.

"Wish y'all'd stop doin' that, what's the point of havin' visual if you ain't gonna use it." Wait for it. "Well that's right neighborly of you, thanks."

The residents of the bright pink house in Wilde might beg to differ.


[ voice ] tothelibrary January 20 2010, 19:10:55 UTC
I have to keep my identity a secret.

[ Dear Jayne: there is no pink house, have fun looking. ]

And you're welcome! I don't mind at all.


[ visual ] myveryownriot January 20 2010, 19:13:03 UTC
See Jayne. See Jayne look real suspicious at the tablet. "How come?"

And seeing as there's liable to be a pink house somewhere in the city, it's a good bet there'll be some offended citizens before the day's over.


[Visual] tothelightshown January 20 2010, 21:56:54 UTC
Looking both a little incredulous and a little bemused, DG switched on her tablet to reply to Jayne. People made all sorts of requests over the tablets. They asked for directions or information or instructions or something. They didn't ask about prostitutes. She couldn't resist making sure that she'd heard correctly.

(One of these days, her curiosity was going to get her into trouble.)

"You're looking for whores?"


[Visual] myveryownriot January 21 2010, 15:12:04 UTC
(That day may be today.)

Jayne looks all kinds of pleased at getting such prompt responses to his question. Maybe this place won't turn out to be so bad after all.

"You ain't gonna tell me I can't afford it, are ya?"


tothelightshown January 21 2010, 21:41:15 UTC
"No," DG replied, raising an eyebrow and trying not to smile. She had heard correctly. That had to make Jayne one of the strangest people she'd spoken to since arriving in Taxon. Yes, she'd spoken to aliens and monsters and who knows what else, but at least they'd asked for answers instead of prostitutes. "I'm going to tell that you probably won't be able to find any."


myveryownriot January 21 2010, 21:50:51 UTC
"Ain't what I hear." He looks back and forth like someone might actually be standing right there listening, and then offers some confidential words of wisdom. "You just gotta know the right folk to ask."


[voice] beholdthedrums January 20 2010, 23:15:22 UTC
Maybe you can hatch yourself one. [no, he doesn't actually sound serious]


[visual] myveryownriot January 21 2010, 15:13:48 UTC
It takes Jayne a minute to work out that 'hatch' means to get things out of the magic hatches, and not hatch things from an egg.

He's pretty sure, anyway.

"Can't get real breathin' people outta them." Could be he's already tried...


[voice] beholdthedrums January 21 2010, 18:54:43 UTC
[he really doesn't sound all to surprised]

Yes. I could see how that would be a problem.


[visual] myveryownriot January 21 2010, 21:49:35 UTC
"Don't know 'bout dead folk though. Ain't tried that yet." Not that he wants a dead body necessarily, it's just something that's occurred to him.


[voice] fudgingkillyou January 21 2010, 00:06:49 UTC
[Since Dean can't quite decide whether he's horrified or fantastically proud of Dawn's trolling, he's going to just throw both emotions over his shoulder and go with amused. And he might have been enlisted to help with said trolling. Shh.]

Y'mean you don't know? [Following up on the whole being secret about his identity thing.]


[visual] myveryownriot January 21 2010, 15:16:03 UTC
Seems Jayne's unknowingly stumbled on a vast prostitute conspiracy here. And people say he's just a big dumb lug.

"Well I ain't been here very long!"


fudgingkillyou January 22 2010, 19:28:03 UTC
Gotta get with the times, my good man. Look, I bet you've talked to Led Zeppelin already, yeah?


myveryownriot January 27 2010, 16:15:56 UTC
There's a long pause while Jayne considers whether he this might be some kind of sting operation to get him to reveal his sources. "Maybe..."


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