010: TEXT [oh, help me but don't tell me to deny it]

Jan 19, 2010 01:50

[the following message is sent to claire bennet and helen magnus.]

Hey, just thought I'd let you know I finally found somewhere else to stay. I'm in Shelley at [insert address here].

I'm no good at goodbyes, but it's not technically a goodbye anyway. I guess it's more of a 'see you around'.

[locked to magnus:]

I'm sorry about not telling you sooner, about the virus. I should have.

Thank you for everything.

[locked to claire:]

Yes, I did tell Peter about this. Sorry for not telling you about it sooner, but I had to leave pretty quickly.

You know the address, feel free to come visit if you want. And let me know if you want me to come around.

[and finally, there's a note left on peter petrelli's bed:]

Finally found a place. [address goes here] Come by if you're not busy.

[which is code for 'please come over and re-assure me that i'm not poison to everyone i love'.]

{ peter petrelli, helen magnus, { max guevara

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