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Comments 31

[ visual ] notanemptymotto November 13 2009, 06:51:23 UTC
"Another new arrival, I see."

Helen stopped unloading her car when the new voice popped over the tablet. She stood, pushing the hood up, and moving her wrist around to look at the holo message. Defiantly a new arrival. No one else seemed to use the holo function afterwards.

"There should be a small table with a device on it, it looks like some sort of cellphone. Once you've picked that up, you can leave the room in. Welcome to Taxon, I'm afraid."


[ visual ] 10secsofsilence November 13 2009, 07:04:32 UTC
Sam immediately looked to the pedestal with a face in the screen. A hot face, though older, and definitely British. Maybe the woman who'd kidnapped him? No, no, she'd said 'I'm afraid'. And with the British, that was definitely a negative thing. Like an apology. Right.

"Taxon?" He asked lamely, and would've moved on to another question had he not heard that familiar barking. "... Mojo?" No way.

Mojo was running around his feet, trying to escape the odd metal space they were currently occupying. When the dog noticed the stairs, he bolted down. "Whoa, Mojo, hang on!" Sam ran after him, and looked down at the screen. "Who are you?"


[ visual ] notanemptymotto November 13 2009, 07:32:38 UTC
She couldn't help but laugh at the scene as it played out. "The city's name is Taxon. Mine is Helen Magnus. Dr. Helen Magnus. A pleasure to meet you." Her eyebrows perked up as she quirked her head slightly. "Mojo?"


[ visual ] 10secsofsilence November 13 2009, 07:44:56 UTC
"One second." Sam said quickly to Helen, shoving the weird metallic Sidekick/iTouch whatever into his pocket and running after his dog. "Mojo! Seriously! Not okay!"

But Mojo ignored him, bolting up to the door on the opposite end of the room and pawing at it. He smelled something that seemed like a good idea, but what it was, Sam couldn't tell. And he was almost sure he didn't want to know.

"Okay, are you done now?" He scooped the dog up, holding him in one arm as he dug the weird thing with the British woman back out again. Helen Magnus. Dr. Helen Magnus. "Hi. Mojo's my dog. I'm Sam." Where was Bumblee when you needed him?

"What's going on?"


[visual] suckmychest November 13 2009, 17:22:25 UTC
Eric smirked at the hologram that had popped up on his tablet. Another new arrival, and this one looked to be quite a bit of fun.

"Points for an original entrance, but I'm afraid we'll have to deduct on the dismount." Yes, Sam - this was a fantastic start to your life here in Taxon. A bastardy blond vampire watching you squirm.


[visual] 10secsofsilence November 13 2009, 18:03:34 UTC
Sarcasm wasn't helping, damn it. Sam looked to the pedestal not too far from him, and moved towards it. But before he could reach it to check out the new face, he heard a yelp under his feet as he almost stepped on something.

Looking down, he just flat out didn't believe it. "Mojo!" Sam reached down, picking the dog up and looking to the weird tablet thing. He picked that up as well, and saw the highly entertained face he wasn't sure he liked on the screen. "Who're you?"


[visual] suckmychest November 13 2009, 20:15:05 UTC
The small yappy dog got an arched eyebrow out of Eric. Not exactly the most useful of programmed possessions, but it wasn't as if one was able to choose what he brought.

"Eric Northman," he said dryly. "My amazing powers of observation tell me the dog is Mojo, so that just leaves you to complete this introductory circle."


Re: [visual] 10secsofsilence November 13 2009, 22:52:46 UTC
Sam laughed when Mojo started licking at his face, and was almost grateful for something familiar. Even if it was weird that whoever kidnapped him had also decided to snatch his dog. He had a car that would be a lot more interesting to the kind of person who'd do this, after all. "Sam." He held Mojo at a slight distance so the licking would be over. "Sam Witwicky."

Which left the almighty question at last. "Where am I?"


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