1st The Neophyte is supposed to have read, studied and understood the meanings and mysteries revealed and set forth in the paper known as “The Asiatic Mystery: Being the first Rosicrucian Manifesto to the World!” If not then such is his first obligation and bounden duty.
2nd He will also understand that the term “Rosicrucian” does not mean the whole Brother-hood of Eulis, but means only those who have taken the first primary lessons in the stupendous system of Eulis, and is but a mere passing name wherewith the true Brethren amuse and at the same time mystify the world’ for we hold it as a cardinal principle that it will not do to “cast pearls before swine lest they turn and rend you after trampling pearls under their foul feet, which they have neither soul to appreciate or brains to comprehend. Therefore caution is our canon-observe it carefully. [end quote missing in manuscript]
3rd It is equally essential that the neophyte study well and thoroughly master, if not the entire meaning, then at least the Drift of the “Ansairetic Mystery.”
4th The genius of Eulis, its spirit and meaning its dicta and principle [sic] is that each Brother comprises the whole Order in himself; and acts for himself toward himself and all others. Its aim being not a society of secret Brethren endowing him with powers to initiate whom he deems competent and worthy but never giving him the Password till he has proved himself both competent and worthy to which end it is in order to try him by all kind of ordeals and trusts [sic], unknown to him, when, where, how or for what purpose [he will be?] tried; for it is the experience of all [of our?] brethren that many are called, while only few are chosen. Each Brother of Eulis is at liberty to establish lodges to suit himself with such passwords as the lodge may adopt from time to time; but the gates of all lodges fly open when the Master Word is spoken, no matter when, where, or by whom, as none but full Eulians guard the doors and none but such possess the master key word, opening all portals.
5th The grand object of Eulis therefore is to build up the individuality of each acolyte, the end of adding a new power to the universe a new force to the human soul [sic]; wherefore each is an independent being working out the problem of his own redemption from the thralldom inherited from ancestry, the dead ages, and forced upon him by condition.
We do not expect to teach a man and find brains wherewith he may understand said teachings; we indicate the way, furnish a chart, and bid him square his sails and depart for the Shining Shore! To which in here is given the following: Definitions.
1st The first grand principle to be studied, mastered and applied, in the search for knowledge and endeavor to enlarge the scope and range of individual human power mental magnetic and psychical, is
Volantia - the quiet, steady, calm, nonturbulent, nonmuscular exertion of the human Will. To increase which, and render practically and magnetically serviceable, practice is necessary not a fitful [sic], now and again kind, but regular, that is daily: observe these rules-and follow them.
Place against the wall a black card, round with a white center, or a white one with a black center, and gaze on its steadily [sic], one minute, willing at the same time to increase your powers of Attention, Concentration, and Abstraction. Then slowly turn your face to the blank wall and the optical effect will be an apparition of the card,--colors reversed,--will slowly pass across your line of vision. Usually but one or two will thus flit by, but there should be at least from four to seven. The card may be of any other colors, and the phantoms will be their exact opposite or complementary hue. These exercises are intended to develop the above named three powers, and their ultimate end and purpose is to finally enable you to fix your mind on any one alive or dead, and will their phantom and in the latter case, themselves to appear.
Of course the greater results are quicker and better attained if instead of a card you place a wafer on the center of a good magic mirror albeit [sic] some are so weak-nerved as to be frightened when a face or figure gazes directly at them from the brightly black-white magnetic sea of the mirror. Of course all such persons had better abandon at once the pursuit of higher magic, which requires heart, courage, persistence and goodness to its noblest and most successful culture.
After the cards have been used for a while, say thirty times, they may be abandoned either for the wafered mirror or the head of a nail-brass-head-or better still, three nails-zinc, copper, steel-arranged in a triangle of one inch diameter; wrap around them all together a bundle of fine copper or zinc wire, and while gazing on them hold the other end thereof in your right hand. The effect is electrical, and serves also to render your attention more firm, positive and concentrated,--albeit it may take from three to six months before you will be able or competent to substitute metaphysical objects in their stead. The
2nd Principle is Decretism - i.e. decreeing, ordering, commanding, mentally enforcing the behests of Will and Desire; to say, feel, think, ordain a thing to be, to do, act, go, live, move, appear, vanish, rise, fall, sink, stop, fly,--It-must-and-shall-be-itiveness. It is the positive executive force of the human soul, without a proper culture and activity of which, no great thing either within or without the place of white magic can be accomplished. Volantia generally, but not always should precede it. Great care should be taken that there be no other emotion or action going on in the mind during the decretal instant for this ordaining power, especially after the exercise of volantia, leaps from the soul like a flash of vivid white lightning, traversing space, centering on its object even though oceans flow between, or vast spaces divide; yet its period of activity or duration never exceeds three to seven seconds of earthly time.-It is the Blessing or Cursing energy of the soul; and is at once its grandest and most terrible force, alike potent for good or evil: and its laws are periodical, its form or orbit elliptical, its action magnetic; therefore what it takes from you it always brings back-If good then good; if evil then additional evils. The
3rd Element or Energy is Posism - placing oneself in a receptive position, state, frame of body, mind and feeling. It is the most important and most difficult of either of the three great principles,--and its results-especially in Affectional lines correspond,--indeed are numerous. To exert it successfully requires a fair development of Attention Abstraction and Concentration in addition to the exercise and power of Volantia and decretism, not merely as regard any special object [sic], or power to be sought but to induce the condition of Posism itself. If to give, take, strike or sustain a blow you pose your body, hands, face, eyes, nostrils and mouth-as all do, even so is the same law and rule imperative in the higher or superphysical, metaphysical, mental and ethereal region of the vast being that you are; and you must enforce them in order to reach the sublimest of all the Receptive-power of your being. There is no magic save Will, Love, Posism. Remember this.
To illustrate my meaning let me say, perexample, air and heat rush in to fill a vacuum; and there can be no vacuum if anything is there. Well you cannot wholly either notice, wish for, will, decree, or receive the full measure of the thing sought, or power desired, or the entire weight of any mental or metaphysical desideratum, if half or more of the mind is already occupied by something else, which receives that proportion of its attention and ration of the heart’s desire.
In some lodges, in the foretime, and in some instances now, the acolytes practiced and practise Posism two years before being considered proficient;--(good chess players are usually good posists.) for it requires the entire devotion, absorption and concentration of all the inner being. When a thing is to be done, an energy-(individual in both sense) hierarchy or special power is to be invoked and brought down from the aerial kingdoms of the spaces; or evoked and called up from within, the mind must not only be brought to wholly bear upon the Reception thereof, but room in the brain, or soul, must be provided for the expected or hoped for new tenant, and the entire attention of the soul be withdrawn, and vacated except for that special thing, gift, energy, quality, power, then sought.
This road of Eulis is a royal one, which dolts, fools and “recipe” followers can never travel; for only men and occasionally a woman-can travel its Imperial paths; because the higher powers only come to those capable of appreciating them; they never flow into the empty heads or starveling souls; and never at all unless the laws of their evocation, development, operation and evolution are coolly, calmly, steadily, persistently followed, implicitly obeyed.
4th Principle: Breath-Power. We breathe two kinds of air, mingled to a greater or less extent: 1st Common atmospheric; 2nd Magneto-electrical-Ethereal, in combination. The first sustains the life of matter:--sensation;--the second, that of soul and emotion-the higher, inner, deeper part of man; that portion of us which laughs at wealth, honors, titles, time, and concerns itself only about Infinite and eternal interests. The first gives Force: The second generates Power. It is possible to fill the lungs, therefore the brain with this last, sifted from the first, and thus the soul with ascensive ability and inclination; with the loftier kind of trance power,--the sacred sleep of Sialam-in which the soul bids defiance to all the barriers which, awake or asleep, or in the mesmeric states, limit and bound it;--with the grand flight power wherewith it can reach infinite altitudes, and sweep with masterly vision the amazing rain of stellar galaxies falling down the Deep!-that sleep of Sialam, wherein man may gain whatsoever of knowledge and power he wills, which lies within his soul’s capacity of comprehension and making use of.
P Now by slowly, regularly breathing, two things occur: 1st you gain lung, therefore physical life-power, for the organs in an instant extract the Vif of the air, and immediately discharge their accumulated load of carbonized air. The exhalent movement is always longest in natural breathing; that is the foul air is longer going out, than the fresh air is coming in: But if you wish to gain the interior worlds, and have more ethereal life than mere physical, the slow breathing must go on for seven to ten minutes at a time’ and to obtain the better influence the heavings of the chest should be regular and the inspirations and out-breaths be of equal duration. In this way,--first fixing some object to be obtained in the mind,--and the sifting process will go on, and the ethereal air be retained in the lungs, brain, nerves-until reserve force enough is gained to add new power, and enabling the soul to subdue sense, afford the pure intellect, ability to take lofty, prolonged, and heaven-sustained flights into the blue Empyrean, or indeed in any direction fancy or inclination prompts or necessity suggests.
5th P It behooves me now to call your attention to the most tremendous of all the powers of the human soul: It is the purely spiritual non-material, or Aethic power of the interior man but this power should never be attempted to be brought into action for merely wordly-wise, financial or temporary motive, use or end, because its sphere of action pertains to higher and better states than this of earth, at least in these ages wherein men look down on God and not upward, judging by the sincere homage they pay to the Golden Gods.
The term Aeth signifies that fine essence which spirits breathe, which is the filling in of space; which cushions the worlds, and which penetrates the outer air just as odors do; it is inhaled by Aethereal people precisely as we of earth draw in the effluence of matter in its grosser and lower forms. No real, divine, or celestial, mental or loving energy can come until by patient and continued effort the Neophyte learns to inhale it, simultaneously with the firm fixity of the mind upon what is in and of it, therefore we contact the essence of power and the denizens of the ethereal and far-off countries and climes doing, will h e breathe the elements which generate power in the human soul. Remember, O, neophyte, that Goodness alone is Power, Silence is strength, Will reigns Omnipotent, and Love lieth at the foundation.
6th Centers: Orbits: Sphere: Potencies: Hierarchies: Brotherhoods: All things on earth, material and hyperphysical alike, have their centers, orbits, periods; and all conceivable powers, qualitie4s and energies in the spaces, have the same. There are times when they are and are not contacting and it is very difficult for one living in dour hell to contact them at all, save through the exercise of a resolute will: But there are societies of Beings, invisible by material eyes, who were of earth once, and others who never knew material bodies at all-who understand any and everything man can imagine; who cultivate every possible species of knowledge, and who answer the desire and invocation (and it is well to burn incense and scatter odors when invoking them), or those of us who take the same lines of thought and feeling; who belong to the same category of intelligences or who voluntarily place themselves under the essential conditions of rapport or contact.
Not Any one Brotherhood or Society cultivates all forms of knowledge, yet it is impossible to think of any personal, general, special adherents, cultivators, professors, centers, agents, workers, understanders, teachers and propaganda in the Aethic realms beyond the shadows and gloom of earth, [where injustice rules, and wicked prejudices reign paramount and supreme]. Be thou careful, however, to divest the mind of all but the thing in hand, so to speak; Never seek for two dissimilar favors or boons at the same time, or within seven clear days between operations, every once of which should be prepared for with a full heart-for the invisibles can read you thoroughly! by fasting, ablutions; soul prayer, alone,--and right is always Best.
Study these things thoroughly and well, nor forget this caution: Nothing can be done except through Law, Order, Rule, and a clear and definite comprehension of the underlying principles set forth herein and in other works from Dr. P.B Randolph. But by proceeding further it is advisable to consider one or two points which, in the end, will be found of great service to the thinking reader and student of the philosophy now taught-There are no accidents, really, no such thing as chance, in this life and world of ours; for all things and events are the result of eternal causes; and there are rules by which they can be forecast and anticipated.
Now I do not mean by this that all human events and occurrences are foreseen by those who once were denizens of the world we inhabit and who, for redemptive, or other ends, reveal them to their earthly proteges; for I do not believe such is often, though doubtless occasionally, the case; but I do mean that somewhere in this universe, there is a great central, Intelligent Power, Presence and energy, who necessarily knows all that was, is, and is to be. This central power must be environed by colossal mental energies and Potentialities in knowledge only second to Its Supreme self: Nor do I conceive such Potencies to be ascended human beings who once dwelt in flesh-and-blood bodies, lived, died and rose again-but I me4an that there are Electrical, Ethereal, non-material Universes beyond the matter-Island floating like eggshell shallops on the breeze of the azure sea, as far grander, vaster, more magnificent and mysterious than this of ours with all its amazing splendor, all its myriad galaxies; all its rainstorms of starry systems; its incomputable distances and stretch of fathomless centuries!-as this of ours is superior to an anthill in an African jungle.
That there are hierarchies-armies of them!-Potencies, Powers, vast Intelligences-not of human or material genesis, before whose awful grasp of mental powers, before whose amazing sweep of mind, the grandest intellect earth ever did or can produce, is as a pebble to a mountain range: a tiny dewdrop to the almighty rush of ocean’s waters;--a gentle shower to a tempest of rain; a zephyr to the raging typhoon on its devastating march over lands and seas! These beings may be the arbiters of the destinies of worlds; and I believe that they are the originators of many a drama fruitful of good. “But how do you know that such things exist?” Because 1st. In the sleep of Sialam I and others have seen them; and we know they were not of this or similar earths, because they are organically different, and look no more like a human apparition than a negro does like a Kalmuc Tarter. 2d They sense the future: 3rd They reveal things Infinitely grander than do spirits. 4th. They know the future man, embodied or not, is unable to sense it. 5th. They declare that Soul-power and sex-power are co-efficients and co-dependents:--their own sex-systems, corresponding to our public [sic] region-is in the side, near the heart, and serves but one purpose; while ours serves three, the essential, the sensual, and the sensitive. 6th. They cannot be contacted through circles; mesmerism or by any so-called spiritual modus; but only through the sleep of Sialam induced by mirror gazing; or through the mirror itself. 7th. We know they are supra-human in power, stature, form, shape, mind, intelligence, wisdom and energy because they teach supra-human knowledges and contact with them makes man better and wiser,--while spiritual contact does not always. We call them the Neridii-and the Philosophy they teach the Eulian.
So far the basic principles of the Divine Science [sic]. Now for their general and specific exercise; and comprehend the modus operandi, it is essential that you understand somewhat more of the awful and tremendous powers and native majesty of the human soul; things neither dreamed of or taught by any philosophers or philosophy extant save this alone!
P In the first place, then, remember that we believe in Deity, acknowledge His Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence: that man is made in His image and likeness in every respect, save only that God’s capacity is unbounded, while man’s is limited; which limits are either contracted or vast in strict accordance with the relative ration of his soul development, and independence of mere bodily sense, aptitude and material bias.
Thus one so developed may bore the spaces by use of the power about to be taught you now while the brain power of another may not enable him to imagine or perceive anything loftier than the most common place facts and irrelevant truths of mere matter, or mundane interests. Man has not Omniscience, but ha much knowing power. He is not Omnipotent yet possesses enormous latent power. He is not capable of Omnipresence, but is capable of ubiquity-that is of being mentally, spiritually, psychically … many places and scenes at the time.
Illustration: A million photographic instruments will chain at one instant, a million shadows, or images of the same man, object or thing because all surrounding space is filled with myriads of such shadows, given off by everything at every moment; and this is even more true of the soul than of the body, which fact brings us face to face with the sublime mystery of Projection; and that of its opposite: Soul-attraction.
1st Definition - Projection: means the sending, forcing, compelling of your image, wraith, spirit, soul, phantom or simulacrum to, and wherever you will through the three principles.
2nd Attraction: is the exercise of the same power to bring the same to you instead of the reverse. The first is called Aethaevoyance; the other Zorvoyance, and both are loftier developments of Psycho-vision, or that which people call clairvoyance, albeit no such clairvoyance as used to be, exists now, and cannot save by and through the magic mirror so-called.
Through resemblances to Deity you may know much; by presence, by apparitional power or birth, whenever you have steady will-force enough to decree your presence; you may complete the approach of whatsoever phantom (or real spirit either) you choose, and you may act with enormous force upon whom you desire. Observe:
Volantia can be exerted from two planes: 1st. Pure intellect, cold and joyless-which is its negative force or plane; 2d. From the heart, soul, emotion or Love plane, which is its positive point of action.
Decretism is always masculine, positive ordering, commanding, electric-of Head alone.
Posism requires instantaneous falling from the masculine, head, brain, to the soft, tender, loving, emotional side of your nature. Man looks earthward in Sex intercourse. Woman Heaven-ward. He imparts. She receives; so also the intellect of man acts on imperative principles:--Her Love on Receptive ones. This is the LAW! [Note. you can execute any problem in the list and others not there, by never forgetting that all things of earthly use, intent or interest, correspond to odd numbers: while mental, psychal, soul, heavenly, power-gaining, power-giving, heart-protecting knowledge acquiring energies, all belong to even numbers, thus, of course merely distinguish between the two enormous ranges. The even numbers begin with, and end in Prayer, and posing to receive the boon craved, asked, longed,--yearned for; while the odd numbers begin and end with either of the tree principles, except in financial matters, or the punishment of wrong, or the protecting of the weak, or the imparting of power, health, etc. to others, and then Decretism ends the formula invariably.]
Now to work:________ Say No. 4 of the “Ansairetic” you will first remember what follows: The party to be frustrated must be present either in person or by apparitional birth, which you can bring about my posing first, then willing, then decreeing his or her presence, repeating or continuing it till the image stands clearly before your mind’s eye. Then think what you want to just as clearly: then will, and decree whatsoever you choose. Else apply the Aethic force and after the soul is full, then decree and will and pose it. But the Aethic force need not to be used to frustrate; but should be to impart, inspire, protect or bless. To aid you a photograph will be of good service; but in Oriental lands and also in the practice of Dr. P.B.R. a picture or a doll was used, named for the party to be helped; He has never cursed but sometimes found occasion to defeat designing people, hypocrites, false friends and otherwise incorrigible wrong doers, for these are children from three to three score years of age who are touchable only the hand of force, and upon whom Kindness and goodness are merely thrown away!-people who cannot understand that one is in dead earnest except storm announces it. It is not pleasant to be compelled to resort to the lex talionis or the Draconian law, yet at times it must be done. However, of late years he had abandoned that and learned to pity and forgive. On the other hand, using the same ten cent doll to name, he helped a score to glory, healthy prosperity, wealth and fame.
You need not be told that to increase the dynamic life-force requires that purpose distinctly to be brought before your soul, and worked as an even number, Aethic force, and while retiring, rising, and walking, continue it regularly for seven minutes a day, two at night, two at rising, three in walking.
Tiranclairism is a difficult power to attain owing to the cerebral activity of most persons. It is best done at night. Use the will to bring any image, flash, spark or scintialla before you and never take the mind’s eye from it, but hold it there resolutely fighting against the innumerable hosts of other images or phantoms that are sure to come crowding in like flashes of snow before the driving hurricane. But it can be done. After which you can apply the power to whatsoever you please: Indeed you cannot even practice La Haute Magie without developing, increasing, strengthening this superb power and faculty of the imperial human soul; and it is one which, although difficult to reach, will amply repay all the efforts you may put forth to acquire its mastery.
P As already stated, the human mind cannot conceive of any quality, knowledge, power or energy, but has Hierarchy, Society, Brotherhood or nation in the spaces and the vault, who cultivate that specialty as positive science, to the general exclusion of all others. I name a few: Health, Jewels, Trade Exchange, Wealth, Music, Geometry, Melody, Medicine, Logic, Astronomy, Soul, [Brain?], Physiology, Astrology, White Magic, Spirit, Social Law, Sexagyma, Love, Ambition, War, Black art, Black Magic, Lust, Friendship, chance, (Lotteries, etc.) and so on to thousands of others. But the impact, rapport and contact law must first be learned, assiduously obeyed, steadily pursued and that too, to the practical exclusion of the recondite and cognate studies during the entire time of discipline and consequent novitiate: for as said already no human being can, as Dr. P.B.R., master of principia without severe effort, persistence will and purpose, with that divine enduring patience under restraint, which alone can open the chambers of the inner-man to entertain the mighty guest whose aid and association is [sough?].
Definitions. First clearly define the Brotherhood or Hierarchy you wish to affiliate with. [illegible word] whole soul to clearly locate it East, West, North, South or between these points. Na e it, and a warm breath will presently fan you[r] cheek or head, coming form the point where the Brotherhood dwells. Then apply the Posism only, and the double Prayer to God 1st. The Hierarchy second. Success is attained when the mental assurance reaches the portals of your immortal selfhood. But pray avoid invoking more than one at a time. Two may be cultivated at once but the procedure must be bridged by from three to seven entire nights and days.
The Neophyte can if he or she truly will to [illegible word] in accordance with the three principles explained elsewhere, contact minds of any grade whether on the Earth or off it. If the mind be on that of one departed, or dead, the neophyte’s mind must dwell on the Oriental or the Northern Heavens or westward or wherever the departed may have gone toward from his of her earth location.
But if the party be not dead, then the neophyte’s mind must dwell upon the earth, in that direction whereto the sought mind belongs. He or she may select Persia, Chaldea, Egypt, Babylon, but above all India, Ceylon or China, for by so doing he or she can readily contact both the living and the dead.
Conclusion: These are the fundamentals, and all that is absolutely essential to any one; for their application is as broad and varied as life itself. A list of over one hundred powers attainable is given in the “Ansairetic Mystery”, which see. But there are certain sexive applications not therein given, among which is that of life-prolonging through a peculiar rite-which usually weakens health, and destroys life, but which under proper conditions absolutely strengthens and prolongs both. This mystery is that of Mahi-caligna-or the sexive principle of Eulis, but comes into active use in many ways, but principally in these seven:-
I. For purposes of increasing the brain and body power of an unborn child.
II. Influencing one’s wife or husband, and magnetically controlling them.
III. Regaining youthful beauty, energy, vivacity, affectional and magnetic power.
IV. Prolonging the life of either the subject or actor, or either at will.
V. Attainment of Supreme white-magic of will, Affection or Love.
VI. For the furtherance of financial interest, schemes, Lotteries, etc.
VII. The attainment of the loftiest insight possible to the earthly soul.
These seven constitute a crowning glory of the system of Eulis. To work or execute any or all of them, that which has been already herein set forth and explained, should be well and clearly studied and mastered before 3even an attempt is made, because to begin and fail is to be forever shut out from either the chance, of the Power sought for.
If a man has an intelligent and loving wife, with whom he is in full and complete accord, he can work out the problems by her aid. They all are a radical and soul-sexive series of energies, not to be attempted impurely, or under the malign influence of passional fire, animal lust, but only when under the dominion of the loftiest desire or power leading unto God and goodness. The rite is a prayer in all cases, and the most powerful, earthly beings can employ. The first thing is to have the object of the prayerful act or ceremony clearly defined before the mental eyes of those who undertake it. An able man or wife can often avail herself or himself of this grand fact of knowledge unknown to the other; albeit it is best for both husband and wife to act together for the attainment of the mysterious objects sought.
Success in any case requires the adjustment of a superior woman. This is the law! A harlot or low woman is useless for all such lofty and holy purposes; and just so is a bad, impure passion-driven apology for a man. Remember also the woman shall not be one who accepts rewards for compliance; nor a virgin; yet must be one who hath known man and who has been and still is capable of intense mental, volitional and affectional energy, combined with perfect sexive and orgasmal ability; for it requires a double crisis to succeed: no one can reach the power sought, or gain their special purposes unless they do so in the coitive act, or a the exudative moment of the woman, or the expulsive one on the man; which event should be simultaneous or as near as possible, because the mystic gates of the soul never open or admit the elements of power, or send forth its magic-working will, save for an instant at that precise juncture.
the terms Mahi Calinga signify the Knowledge of ages; of the past present, and of Present Possibilities, and also the power and the ability to effect the purposes of the pure, true, and good desire, of cultivated Will!-for to execute the great intent through the magic use of gender, requires guiltless sexual union-mere pleasure being not its object at all;--that is to say: The purpose must be pure, pure power and knowledge attainment; never lust of its gratification. That it becomes not only an energizer of both souls but a health, joy and peace-creator, and, magically, speaking,--the most forceful money bringing, wealth compelling power on the Planet when that wealth’s object is good-promotion, and not mere self-aggrandizement, as is too often the case.
The entire mystery can be given in very few words, and they are: An upper room; absolute personal, mental and moral cleanliness both of the man and wife: An observance of the law just cited during the entire term of the experiment-40 days Formulate the desire and keep it in mind during the whole period and especially when making the nuptive prayer, during which no word may be spoken, but the thing desired be strongly thought and these Principles enforced-Volantia, Posism, Decretism. the end sought, the power coveted or the thing desired must be clearly defined in each mind-then, and both after and before. These few lines invoke and embrace a mystery of superlative grandeur. The mystery cannot be abused, or worked to evil ends, for just as certain as they are attempted to be, just so sure will evil follow that attempt.
These solemn things are never to be imparted to the young and giddy, or to any character but the high solid and noble; and only those in the higher degrees of the mystic and Imperial fraternity.
Secret 112. Life-Prolongation: - The natural constitution-injuries excepted-can be rendered far more endurable by a persistent following of the subjoined Seven Rules.
1st. The body must be kept perfectly clean by frequent bathing; which must include head, hair, eyes, ears, feet, groins and sexual organs-these seven-at least twice in every passing week.
2nd. The food must be natural, solid, free from an excess of liquid, fat, oil, water, alkali, acid and sweets-these seven-and not if possible to be long neglected.
3rd. The bed should be hard; head to the north; pillows low; rooms cool; and well ventilated:--These seven.
4th. The body naked should be twice a week, subjected to the air bath, in sunshine if possible: Be twisted; tuned; bent;--slowly, kick and strike, pull, lift,--row,--slowly:
These seven. Constantly.
5th. Draw in the breath slowly, and emit it the same; holding it in as long as possible for every additional minute it is so held, will add ten days to the sum of life.
6th. Never indulge in sexual intercourse except both parties are at the highest tide of loving passion. Sleep apart: indulge not save once or twice a week at the outside; and on no account either touch an unready or unwilling woman; or quit her till both orgasms are effected. Do not neglect this latter important point.
7th. Stop worrying: scolding; fretting; drinking; and go to bed early; Love much, and rely on God and your own soul: These seven
The mystery of life and power, seership and forecast endurance and longevity, silent energy, and mental force-lies in the She side of God, the Love principle of human kind and in the sexual nature of the homos. Outside of it all is cold and death; in it resides all Fire, Energy, Procreant Power (spiritual and all others) and the key unlocking every barred door in the realms that are. Remember O, Neophyte that I am not dealing in mere recipes, formal and trashy “direction”, but in the fundamental Principia subtending Being.
Fix this first Principle firmly in your memory. Its basic form is “Love lieth at the Foundation”, and Love is covertibly Passion, Enthusiasm, Heat, Affection, Fire, God. Master that.
2d. The moment wherein a man discharges his seed-his essential self-into a willing or unwilling womb, is the most solemn, energy and powerful moment he can ever know on earth. If under the influence of mere lust it be done, the discharge is suicidal, losing demoralizing to himself: it is Harlotry, disease, magnetic damnation to the woman in if successful, generates murder, crime and misery in the child. If in Love on both sides, then strength and its cognates follow.
3rd. At the moment his seminal glands open his nostrils expand and while the seed is going from his soul to her womb breathes one of two atmospheres, either fetid damnation from the border spaces or Divine Energy from the far heavens.
4th. whatsoever he or she shall truly will and internally pray for when Love, pure, divine, natural, passional or volitional is the ascendant, that moment the prayer’s response comes down.
5th. If he will for any power, from the moment of passing the outer door till the woman shall have expelled him, that will he reach. but Hell reigns in marriage land toady, and its principle cause is that while still the spiritual semen is passing with-draws, still erect and hell takes hold at the very roots of their being, because they defy, annul, prostitute and disobey the very primary law of being-the great purpose underlying their very their creation. This therefore learn and teach.
6th. He who covers a woman under the dominion of mere lust, commits suicide and does murder: He who covers a woman in lust and only liking her, at the time, only obeys the instinctual law, and both suffer form incompleteness, for it only when he lusts, likes and loves, that the triple law is obeyed, and power, not weakness, follows the act.
7th. He who touches a woman who has not previously been exited to the want to the union, is a suicidal fool. This is the main sexual Law. Now I will teach you the grandest truth you can ever dream of. It is this. Remember that the essence of all power, of whatsoever nature, character or kind, ever resides in, evolves, out of and derives its impulsive energy from the She side of god; hence the same side of a man or woman-for it don’t follow that all who wear the Penis are in soul true males, or that a vagina is the sign of womanness; but he or she who has an emotional, loving, weeping, sympathetic, beautiful, soft, and tender side, has the sheness alluded to. now by the exercise of Will in Love (not Will in Intellect), do we of Eulis achieve our mental and other superior triumphs: For when will is exerted, of intellect, weariness and failure comes: but when will in Love goes forth, victories arrive. Now when you seek to cure a person, supposing you to be medically inclined, by the hand, or to charge any medicine, or a bit of cloth or paper with curative power, let your feature and soul drop right straight out of Force and Intellect, and right into smiles, gentleness, softness, LOVE and in that state gently, softly will the thing you want it Shall Be!!!
Nor can you ever achieve the grandeur triumph unless you obey this law. No matter what the thing, power, quality, range, kind, character, sort of thing or power you desire. this, and it only, is the Law of its attainment. hence never deal out medicine our put your hand to a patient unless you drop down to the floor or Power, and that foundation is Love. it is also the ladder to unaccountable Powers, forces, knowledges of the upper heavens!!
If you comprehend these truths you are armed for all emergencies, for the Law is universal in its application; you cannot master what is herein written in a day or month, for it requires long and sever study and practice to thoroughly comprehend it.
Study Seership along with it.
(The sum of four pounds was paid for this MSS to the widow of P.B. Randolph and was remitted to her by me. - John Yarker)
NEXT - Burgoyne's corruption of "The Mystery of Eulis"