As of this writing, in July of 2006, this remains a “work in progress” on the inner or “secret” teachings of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The effort began some ten years ago plus, when the Acting Outer Head of one of the great magical orders of antiquity purchased these documents on my behalf, as an integral part of my ongoing Work, recovering the history of the HB of L, the principle fruits of which to date having been my book for Looking Glass Press, The Story of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (1997. ISBN 9188708039 ), the monographs “Hermetic Brotherhood Revisited: Thoughts on the Antiquity & Continuity of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light ” first published in The Scarlet Letter and later by Luxor Press, “” the essay “Paschal Beverly randolph Sexual Magick in the 19th Century” ( and the vastly more comprehensive anthology The Roots of Modern Magick: Glimpses of the Authentic Tradition from 1700-2000, An Anthology. Revised edition,( Manutius Press, 2006. ISBN 978-1-4116-8978-7).
Somewhere during the course of this Work, I realized, largely due to interactions with serious magical historians Martin Starr and Jon Sellars, that the sexual gnosis embodied in these teachings were the major bridge between the Authentic Magical tradition stretching back to unknown (though likely Sumerian) antiquity, through the 18th Century Asiatic Brethren and Fratres Lucis, and the latter day antient order that is informed in theory virtually entirely at its core by this same gnosis. One may profitably peruse Sellars’ timeline at
In the 19th Century, the principle vessels of this tradition were Pascal B. Randolph’s Triplicate Order (otherwise called the Brotherhood of Eulis), the HB of L under Paolos Metamon, Louis Bimstein and Peter Davidson, and, Bimstein’s recension of the same work in his Algerian period under the rubric “Cosmic Philosophy” - promulgated with Davidson’s enthusiastic assist.
The documents came into my hands in imperfect form, one being a somewhat damaged copy of the original printing of the secret, internally circulated HB of L text, written by Randolph, “The Anserietic Mysteries”. With active assist from fellow Bishop Karma (who has helped a great deal with the restoration work to date), Sister Mel (who worked on archival copies of baseline materials) and a few others, I began restoration, but to date this is anything but complete, all of us being diverted by related but independent projects, not the least being The Great Arabia Mountain Working, ongoing.
The impact of this work on the central gnosis of the more modern recipients of the authentic tradition cannot be overstated. Indeed, the primary initiatory degree in the HB of L system forms the core of one of the primary degrees of initiation in one of the great orders active down to the present day. That this central gnosis has more than occasionally become organizationally mismanaged is, alas, also an old tradition; Thomas Burgoyne did it in the 19th Century, as R. Swinburne Clymer did in the 20th. All the more reason, in my view, to have the original source documents, though still under restoration, in the hands of those persons seriously striving towards authentic initiation and realization.
5 July 2006
The Ansairetic Mystery
A New Revelation Concerning SEX!
AXIOM. - God and Nature marries the sexes together, while Man, Custom, and the State unites individuals. The former are never failures; hence those thus married, being laws unto themselves, need but little light to guide them in this mysterious subject-seeing that God makes no mistakes; but the latter sort of marriages are seldom anything else than failures, at least within the area of Occidental civilization. Thence the parties [so] such unions need all possible light to guide them: from the [lee] shores and sunken rocks upon which myriads are continually being wrecked.
A. The preservation, Rejuvenescence, Intensification and Sanctification of Love between Man and Woman invariably, primarily, and always did, does and forever will, depend upon the perfection of their conjunction; in plain words, upon the fullness and completeness of the conjugal union, in each case, and upon both sides. The vast majority of civilized men have no endurance, or staying qualities or powers; but are so very morbid-a result of prostatic inflammation-that their love-journey is spasmodically ended long before that of the woman has fairly begun; and the presence is scarce achieved, ere the discharge takes place, whereupon all rigidity ceases, and poor she is deprived of all the joy of marital union, while compelled to endure all the legitimate and illegitimate penalties and pains consequent upon infracted natural law; for if the female is not brought-and that, too, by purely legitimate methods, at which not even a seraph could blush, and none but gross, coarse savages object to-to the natural sexual demise, the full and perfect orgasm, all of love in her is curdled and soured, and all of love for him appreciably diminished; and when it decreases from that cause, he is an idiot who expects true wifeliness at her hands; and then she, whose delicious soul ought to be awakened to the keenest sensuous symphonies, instead of being blasted, is exceedingly liable to the influence of gusts [of] love blowing from other directions than the nuptial or conjugal apartments-which, if she is, he is to blame; for no man has a right to regard woman as a mere nervo-vital machine for his especial pleasure and use, for she is a magnificent instrument capable of evolving such celestial music as will tingle the nerves of an archangel and bring delicious death to the finest nerves in all the universe!
B. To the true and perfect conjugal union, it is absolutely essential that the neck of the uterus be bathed in and by the husband’s prostatic lymph and ejected semen every time they know each other; for unless their mutual acids and alkalis, generated then and there, meet, mingle, blend and fuse, the electro-magnetic and nervous conditions essential to perfect union are not present, and the reaction is fatal to health-the result being loathing and repulsion in both cases, and the measure of soul-fusion theretofore existing is most effectually injured, if not totally destroyed. Behold the beginning of domestic horror!
C. What a fool is he, and how suicidal, who goes when and where he is not wanted-blindly brutal, and to the funeral of his own joy-not realizing her inability to give true pleasure who experiences none herself. How exceedingly senseless is he, or rather IT, who insists upon [indicting] horror, himself realizing but a mere mechanical union, utterly devoid of magnetic flow, and which, while [harming] her, is sure to land him on the sterile shores of Impotence, and to beget a kind of Spermatic disorder that even the purest Protozone may not be able to cure. Unless the woman is fired with passion, [see note below] she remains dry, cold, unmoved, because not reached-seeing that such union is merely mechanical, instead of nervous, electric, chemical, magnetic and soul-ful, as it ought to be; and the vaginal parietes, with their countless ducts, are sealed by the voluntary and involuntary power of her will; he commits Onanism, and she fails to exude the natural lymph of the parts involved; and the male organ cannot absorb the strange Vivific life, fire, and tingling joy, it should, from contact with that precious alkaline lochia. Every one remembers some unions more joyous than others. Well, the lymph, passion, lochia and fire is the sole cause of all the transcendent difference!
[NOTE-Lust originates in congestion, or physical inflammation of the organs; while Passion, or true Desire, takes its rise in the Soul and Spirit. Gratification of the first is ruinous, beastly, utterly inhuman and diabolic-leaving us badly off; while the consummation of the second is the most supreme bliss the compositic human being-sour, spirit, body-is capable of enduring; for it is heavenly, transcendental, and divine.]
D. The true conditions of union are absolutely, unqualifiedly essential to perfect health, joy, and to the mystic power alluded to hereinafter; but neither can be had or realized in their absence, or if the wife fails to actualize the normal orgasm-which wives in these days very rarely do [l] as a consequence of which the vagina, ovaria and uteri become disordered, inflamed, congested; and congested sexual organs will transform an angel into its opposite quicker than anything else on earth except well-founded Jealousy-the King Devil of the household; and the coldness, despair, and hatred thus begotten are speedily fatal to any sort of domestic happiness.
E. Now, understand me-an humble professor of sexual common sense and honesty-when I say, in simile: Two boats start together for the same port; but one is rather slow-generally the one called Sarah Jane,--while the other is as much too fast. Well, he’s a poor captain who insists upon sailing away from his companion, reaching port alone, and discharging cargo before the other is anywhere near port. “But, my good God!” says the captain, “how am I to prevent it?-she’s so slow, and I’m so fast!” Why, you fool, haven’t you a WILL? Haven’t you the power to heave to, rest, stop stock still midway of the voyage, if need be? Rest a spell. Think of anything else but the end of this trip. Do not finish the race alone! Wait till the slower craft overtakes you-the paler fire begins to glow; for, depend upon it, both boats have equal rights, and should have equal chances; for if you reach port and she falls short, she’ll hate your for your mean, contemptible, piggish, one-sided selfishness; and disappointment is the least bad result that follows.
F. Some people desire to attain mystic power through its own regal road. They long for that grand mental force which will enable them to scan the mysteries and sweep the floors of the Sidereal and Spheral Spaces, but are impatient of the methods. Now, let all such know, once for all, that the doors are shut to all save the obedient; and the effort to obtain mental intensity need never be attempted, unless the law-its law-be scrupulously observed, because no real magic (magnetic) power can, or will, descend into the soul of either, except in the mighty moment-the orgasmal instant of BOTH-not one alone! for then, and then only, do the mystic doors of the SOUL OPEN TO THE SPACE. Darwin and his abettors are mistaken: the immortal soul of man is not-never was-developed from any stage of monkeyhood; and they libel God Almighty who affirm it! The eternal [?] [within?] [?] which never []ashes except when the loving female brings to her feet the loving man in their mutual infiltration of Soul, in the sexive death of both-that intense moment when woman proves herself the superior of man-mutual demise!) was created by ALLAH-God himself-Billions of ages ago in the foretime, and finds its human body only when Sex-passion opens the mystic door for it to enter the man-through him the woman, through her the world, through THEM the spaces, and through it again Allah, God-not as a drop of an infinite ocean of Mind, but as a Being in the Heavenly hierarchies! What follows?-Why, that every he should never forget his fealty to WOMAN, but remember who and what she really is-the gem of God’s own Auroral Crown!
G. What follows? Why, that the grosser he should ever be considerate and gentle to, and with, woman; never fierce, brutal, in a hurry; but should restrain all impetuosity. Yet many of the most splendid human beings have resulted from-haste, hurry, and the terrific fears and terrors of discovery-results of stolen interviews, wherefore it is said that bastards are superior; but there is no reason why marriage should not produce as fine; on the contrary, it ought to produce finer, because less angular, children. No man should dare seek coverture of an unwilling woman; never till by endearments, caresses, love-fondlings, and affection-not affectation-he has brought her to the Passional mood. He must, in all this holy matter, be JUST, else will he assuredly reap crops of hatred-smothered and dissembled perhaps, yet hatred still; and that, too, of the worst sort, because it is magnetic, therefore constitutional; and any woman on earth can effectually damn any man who is with her sexually, provided he has not the knowledge and skill to render this curse inoperative.
H. Neglect of the man to bring his wife to the orgasm, either with, before, or after his own constitutes a defeative, selfish, infamous and infernal fraud; for whatever woman is capable of menstruation, is capable also of all her nature implies, and it is her right to experience it. And yet, not over one in fifty realizes that which is her due; but the grand mass go to their graves, even after mothering many babes, without ever tasting the slightest joy in that most mysterious and sacred rite! Why? Owing to the universal Hogitude of what pass for, but are not husbands, in any real sense of that prostituted term; for, judging by the revelations and appearances of wives generally, the majority of their “lords and masters” know little, and care less, about cultivating passion in their wives.
[NOTE.-Wherever you see a rich and jouissant beauty and power in a girl or boy-wherever you see force of genius-you may rest assured that the mother conceived when impassioned. Au contraire, wherever you see genuine meanness-“moral turpentine,” as Mrs. Malaprop says; whenever you see a lean, mean, scrawny soul-wizzened, white-livered, trickish, grab-all-ish, and accursed generally-you may safely wager your life that such a being was begotten of force, on a passionless, sickly, used-up wife, and you’ll never lose your bet.]
The average husband’s wife is full of aches, pains, wrinkles, gray hair, fallen womb, [lencorrhae]; and a good many of them are nicely inoculated with syphilis by their lords, and the doctors hide it, and their ignorance too, and call it “Fluor Albus;” besides which, the usual husband attacks his victim as pigs their food, for all the world as if she had neither soul, sense, feeling, womanhood, delicacy, or human rights. At the beginning he says, “Now-[…] at the end he grunts, “There!” and, instead of a loving, grateful hug and kiss, in five minutes he is snoring away like any other hog; while she, poor soul, sobs her life away, and wonders how long she is to remain in that particular section of Hell. He never tries to change her cold to warmth-her indifferences to chaste desire; nor knows he aught of the meaning of use of gentleness, persuasive caresses, continual kindness, or of deliberation; above all, he utterly forgets that it is his duty to wait for her, if it takes six months, till he wins the soul and passion, as well as the “duty and obedience,” of the mysterious being he calls Wife!-God’s profoundest miracle, the bearer of the mysterious womb.
I. The Generative System of brutes-all animate nature beneath man, allies them to external nature; but that of mankind allies them to external, internal and supernal, or mystic nature, at one and the same time-therefore to the SPACES, POWERS, ENERGIES, FORCES, PRINCIPLES, POTENCIES and Hierarchies of the entire absolute universe! and not only allies, but unites the race therewith; wherefore ensexment is Prayer; for all Nature, Space, Power, God, centers in that mystic act, in which a Soul may become incarnate-a mighty soul, capable of balancing the Universe in its mind and weighing the World in its scales! It is time something was [done] toward purifying sex matters and [uplifing] it from the filth and mud of barbaric ages, and civilized dirt besides; hence this monograph. Now, Man, being the chief work of Nature; allied to all that is; being the central figure upon which all forces play; and copulative union being the crowning figure upon which all forces play; and copulative union being the crowning act of his being-it follows that his moment of greatest Power is that in which Love unlooses the doors of his Spirit, and all his energies are in highest action; whence it happens that they who unitedly Will a thing, during copulative union and its mutual ending, possess the key of all possible Knowledge, the mighty wand of White Magic-may defy disease, disaster, keep Death itself at bay, regain lost youth and wasted power, challenge permanent defeat, gain all good ends, reach the ultimate Spaces, commune with highest seraphs, bathe in the crystal seas of God’s Infinite Love, and be in truth Sons and Daughters of the Ineffable Lord of Glory! Now follows some strange new truths:
J. 1. Soul-seeds (Atomonads) exist in the Aether surrounding the world.
2. The germs of all possible knowledge reside there also.
3. All absolute power, knowledge, energy, force, exists in the Aether and the Sakwalas or Spiritual Spheres.
4. None of these spring up from within us, but all are reachable by us, and flow into us in our highest moments; and all or any knowledge of power the human being has a brain capable of holding can be drawn to it, if willed, wished, desired and commanded, as and when aforesaid; and it or they enter the soul only in the moment, the very instant, or the holy, full, mutual and pure orgasm, or ejection of the three fluids and two auras-i.e., prostatic, seminal, and female lymph or loebia, and the dual magnetism evolved, and which, in its rush from one soul to the other, is the cause of a bliss which no language is adequate to the description of.
5. In the orgasmal moment there is no middle-ground; for we either rise toward heaven or descend hellward. At its close, we are either better or worse-generally worse-than before, because of our halfness; for in that moment do these soul-seeds, germs of knowledge, knowledge itself, and magick power descend to, and find lodgment in our souls, the mystic doors of which are then instantly opened and as suddenly closed again. If, before and during that instant, we invite Evil, Evil will find its way to the Soul, and be locked within its secret crypts, only to blaze out and come to the surface when we least expect it. If we Will and Pray for the Good, then the Evil angels stand aside, and the Good becomes enclosed within the meshes of our Spirits. If we wish for Power, then the germ of that power takes root on the soil of our Souls.
6. It is thus seen why Moses forbade sexual incompletes to enter upon great duties, and why Oriental nations banned all such; for it is certain that he or she who is impotent, except of injuries or years, is not a man or woman, but only an apparition-solid, certainly, yet an apparition still; for uterine power, ovarian force, vaginal energy in woman, and their correspondents in the male, are the only passports to the divine regions of Soul Power, mental and spiritual.
K. The ejective moment, therefore, is the most divine and tremendously important one in the human career as an independent entity; for not only may we launch Genius, Power, Beauty, Deformity, Crime, Idiotcy [sic], Shame or Glory on the world’s great sea of Life, in the person of the children we may then produce, but we may plunge our own souls neck-deep in Hell’s horrid slime, or else mount the Azure as [contempla] associate Gods; for then the mystic [soul] swings wide its Golden gates, opens its portals to the whole vast Universe, and through them come trooping either Angels of Light of the Grizzly Presences from the dark corners of the Spaces. Therefore, human copulation is either ascensive and [ennobling], or descensive and degrading; wherefore I proclaim-
1. That true Sex-power is God-power.
2. That he or she who, by, in, with, and through it, truly wishes, yearns, prays and craves, with WILL, FAITH, EARNEST VERVE, any great good, Favor, Energy, Power, Quality, Force, or Ability of whatsoever grade, degree, nature, or kind, possible to any human being, as Love, Self-command, Retentive Power, Magnetic Presence, or any other achievable thing-beginning the mental work before, continuing it during, and [decreeing] it at love’s culmination and demise-that coveted boon will come as certainly as the Soul is true that craves it. But accursed of himself is he who leaveth her till her joy, as his own, is complete; for no power can come to either alone, but is the result of the double asking and the dual prayer. Unless there be that reciprocal mutuality, no boon descends, but remaineth in the Spaces.
L. The test of fitness, fullness, capacity, energy, manhood, force, power, ability, and latent possibility of any man, is the terseness, non-inflammatory state, compactness and [ret]entive force of the prostrate [sic] gland and testes. If these be diseased, loose, easily excited, pendant, non-solid, he is not in a fit state of either soul, body, will, nerves, or affection, to either generate his kind, make love, accept it, or do anything else of a manly kind, and his first duty is to correct the error.
M. The test of fitness in a woman is her responsive power, her womanly fullness, tenderness, and that true health which makes life a perpetual joy; for if a woman’s heart is filled, her body respected, her love returned, her soul appreciated, she will have little need of the doctor’s services, but will bid the multitudinous ills that now oppress her an exceedingly lasting but not a fond farewell. Why? Because she will not then be compelled to exert all her power to prevent herself from running and screaming at her highest pitch under the infernal spell of nervous excitement; besides which, she will know that her power over him who covers her is immense, and, if she chooses to assert it, absolutely Awful; as they will demonstrate who shall hereafter teach Sex-science and the three underlying principles-Volantia, Posism, and Decretism-which cannot be taught by other than myself at present.
[To prevent needless correspondence, let it be known that but a limited number will be taught the whole Science, to become teachers, the fee for which is $250 in gold, or its equivalent. Other points of the System will be taught at $10 per lesson; also the normal sexual secret of magnetic sex-power for either gender, the fee for which is $25, gold or its equivalent, that being the Society’s only terms. Address as below; but no attention will be paid to applications not clearly stated and unaccompanied with the fee.]
M. Some people there be in this section of the “civilized area” of the earth who cannot imagine anything of magic power or magnetic ability in the human soul, either active or latent, nor indeed any other superior powers or energies at all, than such as find their field of use in heaping up wealth through the diabolic magic or rascality on []change, in trade and elsewhere, or in seeking to gratify tastes brutal at their bases, and lusts foul enough to shame the devil.
To oblige such, I herewith give a very short list of a few such undreamed[-]of powers, the attainment of which depends upon the degree of effect wherewith they exercise three simple principles named below. The wise ones alluded to above may, and probably will, in view of the extraordinary revelations concerning Sex made herein, ask me: “Canst thou minister to a mind diseased?” I reply, Yes! By teaching that mind the nature and principles of its own immortal power and the rules of their growth-not otherwise. For centuries we have known what the world is just finding out, that all the multiple hells on earth originate in trouble, un-ease, of the love, affections, and passions, or amatory sections, of human nature; and that Heaven cannot come till Shiloh does-in other words, knowledge positive on the hidden regions of the mighty world called MAN. Hence this partial uplifting of the veil between us and the people of the continents, MEN FAIL AND DIE THROUGH FEEBLENESS OF WILL! Women perish from too much passion, none at all, and absolute, cruel love-starvation. This WE intend to correct. Shall we succeed?
The list of powers attainable by the human being, alluded to herein, numbers hundreds of distinct energies, nearly totally unknown by civilized Christian mankind, who are far more familiar with destroying, than with building up, the Fabric of Human Happiness. This list comprises less than one-half of that pertaining to the Exoteric, or external system, alone; while those of the Inner system are not recorded herein at all. Each power is separate and distinct from all the others.
There ought to be established in this land, for adults-in brains, as well as years-a SCHOOL OF SEXUAL SCIENCE, in which all herein, and immeasurably more, shall be taught. Were not the writer’s days numbered, such a school should be opened, wherein people should be taught the mysteries of their own immortal being, and the amazing differences between LOVE and LUST, and the laws that govern them! As it is, the work must be done by other minds; for at best he will only be able to instruct others in the three sublime Principles which underlie the whole superstructure, thus fitting students to teach others. The fee is large, but the Knowledge cost the best years of a whole life. Let me, before giving the list, remark that Truth, not Falsehood, ever brightly shines. The power sought will never avail a false individual, whose time and means, in such case, are merely thrown away.
In the course of human life millions sigh for the power of irresistibly affecting [an] appulsion; to draw or bring to them, for good ends, others when afar off, actually or sympathetically.
1. Special Power, involving exercise of the Volantia, Decretism, and Posism, on units only.
2. The same power, near and afar off; general exertion on units multiple.
3. Frustrating bad plans of others, when such will prove a benefit.
4. The precisely opposite-to assist others by exertion of the Aethic Force of Soul.
5. Moral and other changes, effected by will-influence through health changes.
6. Increasing the dynamic life-force through the three principles.
7. Prolonging specific energy through the single breath-force.
8. Tirau-clairism-ability to think clearly to a point, and know it.
9. Relating to money dealings, losses, gains, and to forecast them.
10. The grand secret of domestic Happiness-the law of marital discord discovered, and its most effectual antidotes shown, among which is one of incalculable value to every wedded couple. Thus we strike a blow direct against the monster crime of the age-murder, red-handed, atrocious murder-the awful crime of ABORTION.
11. To render a false husband, lover, or wife, sexively cold to others-against their will; in other words, to render them impotent when trying to be untrue.
The foregoing eleven are not adapted to barbaric human beings.
12. Where persons are of unloving natures, to change it by attracting love-energy from the earth and matter by self-action.
13. To change it through aereal influence by self-action.
14. To exert the same two influences upon another.
15. To impel a specific energy of love to a person near.
16. To impel a specific love-energy to a far-off person.
17. To do the same, the person’s locality being unknown.
18. To intensify the energies of formative love, upon unborn children, and on those who breathe.
19. To correct a Physiological failure and source of trouble in husbands.
20. To correct the same annoying circumstances in wives.
21. Impedimenta in the path of false friends, to bring them back to right and justice.
22. To correct companies and families through the same power.
23. To silently induce the female world to assist one’s mental purposes.
24. To produce the same results from the man-world.
25. To have mental dalliance with the powers of Space.
26. The three degrees of positive non-mesmeric clairvoyance.
27. To forestall markets by the rising or the falling of the mirror-cloud.
28. To secretly penetrate others’ designs (Macchiavelli’s power).
29. To [cultivate] the normal, but external will.
30. The power of influencing others, solely financially.
31. Correcting the passionalism of others, when abnormal.
32. Forecasting events in the lives of others-Astro-biognomy.
33. To bring four powers to bear upon the formation of an unincarnated soul-Stirpiculture.
34. To derange the love relations of those not one’s lover, or husband or wife, to save an innocent one.
35. To derange the love affairs of a recreant one; punishing duplicity by secret will-force.
36-7-8. To magnetically reclaim a straying lover, wife, or husband.
39. Foiling wicked intents of others by will-telegraphy-Decretism.
40. The power of preparing Amulets, and charging them with Aethre [sic].
41. The power of specifically charging them for special purposes.
42. The non-luminous, or interior, (mental) clairvoyance.
43. To culture the power of direct, impressive, magnetic presence, for general, affectional, or business purposes.
44. To change a lover or husband’s affection for another into its opposite toward that other.
45. To cultivate the central, emotional force of character in oneself.
46. To inspire the loftiest non-passional love for oneself in another.
47. To reconstruct a shaking love by secretly generating jealous passional affection.
48. The Oriental Breast-love, its principles, laws, and value.
49. The Uterine (Basic) love; the all-compelling, God-like love in Woman.
50. Sending a specific affectional energy to one across the land.
51. The same across seas and lakes, and up mountain lands-A[m]a-telegraphy.
52. To increase, deepen, and fortify one’s own affections when found waning.
53. To do the same for others when their affection wanes toward oneself.
54. The secret terrifying force sent as a corrective against the erring. (Mahivapia.)
55. To affiliate an earthly with an ethereal Love assembly.
56. To do the same with a Will-assembly of the Spaces.
57. The same with the Divine Passional forces of Space.
58. The same with reference to the Will-love-energy of Space.
59. The same with reference to single individuals, affiliating with and drawing specific VERVE from the four centres just named-the Greek-Chaldaic principle of Astro-fusion.
60. The law whereby agreed inferior parents may produce their mental superiors through a dual law.
61. The Oriental mystery of sympathetic rings-the Diamond energy.
62. To prepare a talisman on true magnetic principles for self-use.
63. To affiliate with the Hierarchies who cultivate fore-knowledge.
64. To gain positiveness of soul through special love-energies.
65. The intensification of the entire nature of an aspirant.
66. To penetrate the secrets of the lower Spacial worlds. (Survoyance.)
67. To penetrate the formidable sphere of the middle Spaces. (Zorvoyance.)
68. To attain the road leading to the ineffable Beyond. [(Aetheavoyance.)]
69. To endow others with a given specific power.
70. To vitalize medicines, foods, drinks, clothing, with a specific mission. (The grand Life-secret.)
71. To come en rapport with Oriental minds, living or dead.
72. The power of resisting disease and death by Will alone.
73. The seven Magnetic Laws of Love. (Revealed in “Seership.”)-which see.
74. The sublime secret of general magnetic Will-energy.
75. The art of adding specific energy to neutral substances.
[This has been sadly abused by false brethren and Zingaros, who have thus foisted “Love Powders” on mankind, whose influence was destructive, pestilential passion instead.]
76. The circle of seven, for the generation of absolute Power.
77. The real secret of magnetic union for Power alone.
[So badly abused by the late “Brother” Prince, of the London Agap[einose].]
78. The famous mystery of the magnetic pillow.-Negative.
[So badly abused by the hot-blooded quadroons of the South.]
79. A secret relating to control of married people by their partners; especially concerning the inter-relations of souls, the inter-dependence of the opposite sexes, and the laws governing the same.
80. To come en rapport with the purely Intellectual powers of Space.
81. To fill the air around one with one’s own magnetic effluence at will.
82. To foil an [sic] conscious or unconscious vampyrism, and defeat it.
83-4-5-6. Attainment of magnetism of being: 1st, positively; 2d, persuasively; 3d, etherially [sic]; and to impart the same to others.
87-8-9, 90-1-2. The specific rules and principles of exerting the Will-love-mental power and force over special grades, temperaments, and diverse personalities: 1st, over light, or blonde men; 2d, over [same] order of women; 3d, over florid, or ruddy men; 4th, over same grade of women; 5th, over dark, or brunette men; 6th, over same grade of women. For, a power that is applicable to one, is wholly, totally unadapted to another.
93. The unwelcome maternity defence, aiming a direct blow against the sextuple horrors of infanticide, abortion-red-handed, ruthless child-murder-premature exhaustion, ungodly quackery, and the unutterable woe of forced motherhood. Embracing; 1st, the silent WILL-Force (already published as “Love and its Mystery,” in a sheet, and sent to any for a trifling fee); 2d, the Protective formula.
94. The wife’s secret power of pleasing magnetically, and thus determining her own happiness by ensuring her husband’s.
95-6. Exerting a defeative, depressive influence, secretly, for redemptive ends, upon an absent wrong-doer of either sex.
97-8. The science of FEMINANTIA: the ability to exert the purely true and perfect Woman-force over the opposite sex generally.
99. MALEANTIA: exact reverse power of the foregoing.
100. The ability to teach and impart the same aethic power to others; comprehending the three degrees of the Persic and Hindoo Mahi-caligna, as taught the Acolytes 5000 years ago.
101. To attach to oneself innumerable aethic, aerial, invisible assistants. [(Arsaphism.)]
102. Soul-ometry, past and future:--mathematical reading of others’ lives and careers.
103. To become immersed in business spheres, to reliably direct others.
104. To increase the dynamic force and power of any bodily organ.
105. To deepen and expand any special faculty of soul.
106. The special increase of the magnetic beauty of any female soul.
107. To destroy an unhealthy, abnormal passion.
108, 109, 110 and 111 are special and extraordinary modifications of this power, both positive and negative, and which, with those that follow and certain others not alluded to herein, can be taught VERBALLY, and also by mail, viz.:
112. The grand secret of Life-prolongation.
113. The real secret of magnetic Soul-union-its nature, laws, and achievability.
114. Positive mystery of the Oriental magnetic pillow; and-
115 to 122. The Seven Superlative Powers of the Soul.
These constitute all that will be taught.
Owing to the innumerable hosts, who, dissatisfied with life, religions as they are, philosophies, and current isms and institutions, are eagerly, impatiently craving Light, more Light, no attention will be paid to any except such as are in absolute earnest, no matter who they are, or what financial ability they possess.
Druggists, Physicians, and all others who write me for formulas and recipes, are hereby informed that in no case whatever will I dispose of my formulas for Cerebral, Nervous and Sexual Tonics, Invigorants and Restoratives, unless paid for the same, the prices for any one of which, with license to manufacture, is $250 in gold for either of the first four, and $450 and $500 gold coin for either of the remaining three-these prices being based upon the fact that they are the most perfect, totally harmless, and non-injurious Invigorants on the earth. It will be of no use whatever to write me for either of them without the fee-the price for all seven of which is $2,000 in gold coin.
In conclusion: I am preparing an Especial Work on Sex matters, because there is none on earth yet that begins to do justice to the subject. In it I mean to say what no human being has either dared to, or knew-which is more likely. The book, “SEXAGYMA,” will be printed not published, and will be only sent to subscribers who order it and pay for it in advance, as not another copy beyond that limited number can be had at any price. It will be ready very soon, and its price will be $5 per copy-not a cent less.
My work on Mediumship, “The New Mola,” can be had by addressing me, at 60 cents, or two copies for $1.
Finally: All those who desire to cultivate Inner Vision or Clairvoyant Light through the mystic but sublime instrumentality of the Magic Mirror, are hereby informed that I have just arranged for a few very fine ones, which can be had at very advantageous rates; commission, $2 to $5. These Mirrors are adapted also to mundane purposes-speculative, monetary, lottery, etc.-and can be had at once, if applied for. The entire lot are from the late Dr. Jarlin’s (French) collection. Prices on application. Those desiring especial instructions of me on various points, are referred to the “New Mola.”
All communications in reference to matters connected herewith must be directed as per address on separate slip enclosed herewith, and, to ensure immediate attention, must contain stamp for return postage and a fee of $1.