Abortion and the Bird Flu

Jan 10, 2006 17:39

So I'm watching the news with my mom. Watching the news any more is like dating Travis all over again: you have to listen carefully to anything that's said and cut through the BS in search of the grain of truth to find out what really happened. For instance: "President Bush authorized spying on Americans without a court order!" Right, OK. So he's going to have Condaliza get a big top hat, toss in a bunch of names, put on a blindfold and randomly pull out a few names to spy on for a while. Yeah, believe what you need to, I choose to think there's a bit more sense behind it. Do I think it's *right*? Not neccesarily. But I'd rather piss off a few people than have a repeat of 9-11.

Why is it that people involved in issues on a mass scale have no common sense whatsoever? For instance, if it were something that were closer to home, I'd wonder why people were so pissed if they didn't have anything to hide? Everyone is always on a damned witch hunt, using any little thing they can to try to condemn others to make themselves look better. It's disgusting.

Now with the nominee for Supreme Court Justice. I don't know much about him but so far he seems like he just tries to say what people want him to. Twenty years ago, he wrote something that was pro-life. Now he's insisting that he believes the constitution "respects the right to privacy." I don't see how people can possible justify abortion. There's no logic to it. It's illegal to kill yourself or other people but to end a life in it's most fragile state of development is "constitutionally protected?" That is truly disgusting. People always say what if, if the baby lives, the mother dies. We're not in the stone age any more, it's extremely rare that the choice of mother or baby is ever an issue. No human being has the right to decide if another should live or die. And a fetus is alive, now even under the classification of "human being" in the great USA.

And I don't believe abortion is wrong because I'm a Christian. I was a Wiccan for several years, a religion rich with "women's rights" and I was still pro-life. Maybe it's because I was almost one of those aborted babies. My mom was only twenty when she got pregnant with me and wanted an abortion. Her friends encouraged her, hell even my father encouraged her. But eventually my aunt talked her out of it. My mom and I have had many a tear-filled conversation about how she wouldn't have been able to live with herself if she'd gone through with it. I dunno, there's always other options, abortion is rarely ever the only one. OK, I'm done with my little rant here. I'm gonna write for a while. Later tater
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