Tonight! On AC360 (20/08)

Aug 21, 2009 03:00


ED! is here to tell us about it.

Basically - ex Sec. of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, has said in his book, due out next month, that there was a push to raise the terror threat level just three days before the 2004 elections. That his department didn't really suggest it but Ridge suggests that there was a feeling that there was something more going on. Politics.

(Oh, Jon and Stephen, you're going to be so sad. *facepalms* that were heard across the world, guys.)

Annnnd - here's ED! live from...outside the White House (oh, poor boy) to elaborating even further. ♥

ETA: Two talking heads to discuss - Frances Fragos Townsend who actually chaired the meeting (and naturally says that she thinks that everything was fine and dandy) and Paul Begala (who, naturally, leans violently left on the issue and is one step away from shouting CONSPIRACY! also as usual).

Mmm. All the angles, Andy.

2. The Lockerbie bomber has returned home. He...appears to have been welcomed rather too obviously.

Randi Kaye has the Crime & Punishment report.

ETA: Um. I'm. Not touching this one. Because, you know, it's a bit US vs. Scotland. And, yeah, I'm not going there. Not with a ten foot barge pole.

ETA2: Jeffrey Toobin is here to talk about compassionate release.

3. Erica's Bulletin: 26 dead in Afghani election day violence but govt. calls it a success, Teddy Kennedy is trying to make it easier for his seat to filled if it should be suddenly vacated, recall of DVD players that are catching on fire, the gender controversy at the World Athletics.

Which. I just can't even, you guys.

4. Obama did a radio interview today. Healthcare, natch.

Anderson spoke to Ron Paul today.

5. AC360 exclusive: Anderson interviews the the Mums of the three US hikers that are being held in Iran.

6. More on the Model Murder - Erica takes us in deeper with a Crime & Punishment.

The police have actually issued an arrest warrant for the ex-husband. ETA: Looks lik he managed to escape on foot to Canada.

7. Erica's Bulletin Redux: mortgages in a mess, three strike law on drugs, JC Penney robbery lots of jewels, 360 Follow: on the Milwaukee Hero Mayor - police arresting the guy who attacked him.

8. Tonight's Shot: was actually Candy Crowley's And Finally... for CNN Today yesterday.

A Canadian newscast that, ahem, went to the dogs. The rescue dog they had on just wouldn't leave the newscaster alone.

Haha. They showed that cat clip yesterday as well. Anderson enjoys it so much he gets them to play it again. His giggles are beautiful.

H'okay - programming note, to borrow the parlance, tomorrow's AC360 is a special about Healthcare so I won't be LiveBlogging it. I suspect there will be plenty of Sanjay being awesome all over it, though. ♥

love a pundit: anderson cooper, ac360: inappropriate ed henry love, ac360: the lawman! jeffrey toobin, love a pundit: erica hill, tonight! on ac360

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