More than just meeting your eyes (chapter 2)

Mar 26, 2019 23:05

I know I'm saying this endless times already but that's it: I'm so late posting bc of RL various stuff. Sorry to made you wait so much, I hope you enjoy!


Title: More than just meeting your eyes - part 2
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8 + Kitayama from Kis-my-Ft2
Pairings: Shibutani Subaru/Yasuda Shota with side pairings: Murakami Shingo/Yokoyama Yuu, Nishikido Ryo/Maruyama Ryuhei, Ohkura Tadayoshi/Kitayama Hiromitsu
Rating: NC17 just to be safe, or R+
Length: two-shot
Genre: AU, slice-of-life, comedy, mystery, introspection, angst, smut
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP.
Prompt: written as a gift for meikyuu_makeyou (following her prompt) for JE United Exchange 2018/2019.
Summary: Shota’s life is quite busy between lessons at University, his part-time job at a café where he’s supposed to be also wearing female clothes, and the boyfriend he’s utterly in love with. While love and life relationships at the café go on, and his relationship with Subaru also deepens, things get suddenly twisted.
Warnings: written in 1st person from Yasu’s point of view. AU partially angsty universe.
Also beware before reading, if you’re not comfortable to read a Yasuba story after Subaru’s departure from Kanjani8, I can understand it quite well.
I tried to respect the recipient’s wish as much as I could, so I took up the challenge as asked.
At the same time, I will not deny the story might be biased because of my own -still very conflicted- feelings about Subaru, so please take also that into account if reading.
Notes: I had never fully written a story with Yasuba as main pairing before, so I hope it won’t sound too much OOC.
It's probably one of the most complicated story I have written so far. However always fascinated by his personality, it was honestly hard for me to write about Subaru, especially in this still very peculiar moment.
I'm also sorry if this can be probably perceived throughout the whole story. But at the same time accepting this exchange was really challenging for me, so I’d love to thank the mods for organizing all that, and also a huge thanks to my beta-reader for the precious help.
Written on: November - December 2018
Also available @ Ao3, LJ, DW
First Part HERE


The red-hooded guy has become a regular customer here at Infinity.

He sits down and he patiently waits until he knows I'll shake off the loads of other customers. I'll reach him and bring him his usual black coffee. He's a regular even in his tastes. I guess my colleagues could serve him equally good, but somehow they realized I enjoy speaking with him through sign language, and they let me.

We speak very little, to tell the truth. Time does always lack, and this guy who is always wearing red and black clothes isn't the chatty type. He looks pretty interesting to me, though, and I am not the only one who thinks that, despite the shabby clothes, he's sexy.

pairing: yasuba, pairing: yokohina, genre: angst, genre: comedy, genre: introspection, length: two-shot, pairing: gen, rating: nc17, genre: 1st person pov, pairing: ryomaru, genre: smut

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