(no subject)

Sep 05, 2006 22:54

I am sad tonight because I am obviously not far enough in fandom to know what on earth is going on with teh_commune and now fandom_wank has been suspended, and dw_anon has gone friends only (psshh, yes, I am sad enough to ask to be friended so I can see all the amusing ROSE R AN EVOL HOR!!1!!1 comments), and so I can't even find out that way. All I have gathered is that loneraven, hathy_col, calapine and lots of other such lovely people are apparently evil, mad, controlling lunatics, and we must all hate them. Yes. If anyone should want to make me a little less ignorant, please?

Anyway. Otherwise, I am not so sad after all, and I think making up on lost sleep is doing wonders for my sanity. I've spent the evening in a most exciting fashion; ... no, wait, I actually have. I found it quite interesting, anyway, I'm not too sure anyone else would. Basically, batteries of an unknown state have been collecting on my desk over the last goodness knows how long, and I finally got round to testing them and chucking out the dead ones. Cue lots of fiddling with my pocket sized digital multimeteTM. (I have no idea if that is a trademark or not, but it amuses me to be so sad.) Then I dug out the toolbox I was given for some birthday a few years ago, because what with having an actual house next year (in less than a month, too) I thought it may well actually come in handy. If nothing else, it makes a little more sense to store my screwdrivers in there than in a random shoebox. (Don't laugh. I'll have you know my screwdrivers were in high demand last year - well, not high, perhaps, but they were used. Frequently.)

So, I now have a toolbox full of screwdrivers, pliers, and other such fun things, and I actually have some fuses too. Exciting. And batteries which I now know will work, and I have used said screwdrivers in the dissection of my poor abused alarm clock, which, erm, got broken the other day. Er. First, the books next to it fell over and the alarm clock was knocked off the shelf. Then, when it didn't go off the next morning, I picked it up to check I'd set the alarm, and, er, dropped it. From my bed. The top of a bunk bed. Oops. It then proceeded to amazingly still work, apart from the alarm being so quiet it's only audible if you hold it right next to your ear, and the small rattly noises it made.

I was sort of hoping, given that the only problem was complete lack of volume, that it would be a simple loose connection or something, but no such luck. I've had it all apart, ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the LCD in rather a sad way (well, it is similar to what the company I work for makes; it's sort of interesting), and I can't actually see anything wrong, so Dad is going to look at it for me tomorrow.

Otherwise, today has been fairly mundane. Work, as usual - eight days left, thank goodness. I feel quite bad that I'm counting down so avidly, as it suggests I hate my job. This is not true. But I don't exactly love it either; it has to be said that it's not the most interesting job in the world, and I've got plenty to do at home (such as look into internet costs again, which I've still not got very far with). Also, more sleep would be a definate plus.

It occurred to me earlier, that I could probably write an entire post on the blowing of noses, and how this changes throughout the course of a cold, but that is really probably TMI and would interest absolutely no-one, so I shall spare you. I am quite impressed that I've not had any nosebleeds yet. Also quite relieved.

And now, my throat is hurting again and I'm tired, so I think I shall go to bed. I don't know what's happened to my writing style, in as much as one exists at all, I seem to have become incrdibly stilted. AH WELL. Goodnight, peoples.

work, fandom

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