was proper Doctor Who. I haven't time to say much, as I am dashing out to 'The Bavarian Cultural Exchange' (aka Bierfest), but very quickly: spooky, creepy and genuinely scary. Loved the Ood - the dilemma of slavery, but willing slavery, and y'know, well treated and given food and such, so it's an interesting moral question. The creepy guy-who-has-also-been-in-Casualty, although I'm not sure I like this storyline, purely because it's not scientific enough. It's 'the devil', and that doesn't make scientific sense. I do not make any kind of sense, I know. And because of that I probably seem very hypocritical, as I certainly believe in God, and that doesn't necessarily make scientific sense (although in ways, it really does), but that's more subtle, and I suppose what I'm trying to say is, God exists, but we don't make TV shows that have Him as a starring character and plot point. Sort of thing. I just prefer my SciFi with clean cut (or ok, not so clean cut) science. Still very interesting though.
Moving on to the science; dubious, yes. Fairly sure Scuty (sp?) should have exploded rather messily on exposure to the vacuum of space, also the whole black hole thing, which, as I said before, was guaranteed to leave me humming loudly with fingers in ears. The whole Rose 'that's a black hole' - yeah, 'cos you know what those look like, right? Whatever... (Not that they look like that in any case. I could write more if I had time. *sigh*)
Planet emitting gravitational field very interesting because it's theoretically possible, I suppose; that's kind of what modern science is possibly working on finding out, anyway (if you're working in that area). And I am in fear of next week's episode because I think they'll be falling into the BH and not suffering spaghettification (that is the technical term! Honest! I wrote a mini-paper on this for coursework last year).
Anyone else see the further 'Doctor as god' reference? 'The beast and all his armies shall rise from the pit to war with god.' Interesting, very interesting. All in all, want next week's ep very much now, though bit of a dilemma as it is Castle Day and we will in all probability not be in. ARGH. What shall I do?!