(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 00:07

Hullo, flist!

Still here, still (relatively) sane, despite a 10 hour journey home for the weekend which ended at 4am after various angry phone calls and a fight with a taxi driver.

Slightly swamped with work and job applications and interviews, omg. Have spent the afternoon completing online tests and phoning around accomodation in Farnborough for the end of next week. Wednesday is to be spent shopping for interview clothes, possibly even a new bag, as I don't feel my battered old brown thing really works with a black suit-ish deal.

Rang my first call changes at St. Oswald's this evening. Admittedly very simple, only up one place and then back down again, but still. Quite satisfying. Absolutely failed when it came to a) ringing a heavier bell and b) ringing rounds on 8 (instead of the back 6), but never mind. That's a challenge for another day.

Ant is back! This is very exciting and good.

Friday is Children in Need and somebody should remind me to watch that. *nods*

Also, a nice evening (in between tests and train tickets and such) spent watching the anniversary edition of The Five Doctors. I didn't appreciate the special effects of the redone version until I saw the fantastically 80's-computer-game 'lightening' of the televised version. Also, commentary = win and yay.

Also have Brain of Morbius for later perusal. Hooray!

ringing, friends, job, doctor who

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