May 11, 2008 17:41

Bookmooch appears to be down. That's rather disappointing; I've just made a reading list of things suggested by fourth year project supervisors and wanted to see if any of them were on there. (If someone is giving away 'Quantum Field Theory of Point Particles' or 'An Introduction to String Theory', I will be very suprised, but you never know. It's worth a try.)

I have done revision. Go me. I should not need praise for this, but, you know, YAY REVISION. I done some. *nods* I have about 3 sides of A4 of General Relativity to learn. That should be ok probably. And then I need to learn lots of Decision Theory and lots of Analysis - the latter is so, so full of theorems and lemmas and corollarys and definitions, it's impossible.

But the important thing is: half my exams will be done in five days, and I am going to the June Ball! I be going with Kate, and Ben is taking Anwar, and it's all ok and I even got inside info on the food and so knew not to have the vegetarian option. (Tessa = yay. Well done Tessa. Also yay Kate and Ben, for taking me and for coming, respectively.)

Also yay is that I appear to mostly have hearing back. That is good; I was considering going back to the doctor tomorrow - it being either tomorrow, or wait until after this week's exams - but will be glad not to. More time for learning Einstein's equations. Oh oh oh. I just kind of want to do exams now, despite the fact that I don't really know very much. But I think GR might be ok, and Analysis and DT won't be but they'll be over soon and then I might be able to learn enough Physics to pass those, and probably in the end it could be ok.

I am just waffling horrendously because it's better than revision. *sigh* Back to the crazy numbers and things. Also, DW last night was ... interesting. Hmm.

uni, work, june ball, books, revision, friends, balls, exams

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