Sep 12, 2005 23:45
Unsurprisingly, we didn't win the quiz, but there was a question on Doctor Who! Which I answered, although I don't think we got the marks for it, as the landlord/quizmaster said the answer was 'Doctor Who', whereas it should obviously have been 'the Doctor', because that's the character's name. *cries for inattention to detail* (The question, incidentally, was 'which TV hero comes from Gallifrey?')
I also came up with our team name, which I'm quite proud of: "Two glasses of wine, a J2O and a double vodka and lemonade, please..." Rather long, but that only matters if you win. (Incidentally, I didn't pick the drinks, I just suggested we name it after the drinks we had.) Normally we end up calling ourselves 'the indecisives', 'unoriginality', or even one week 'um... ah...'!
I said many stupid things, laughed a little too loudly, and generally seemed sort of drunk a lot of the evening. I wouldn't mind so much if I had at least been drinking. After the quiz we went up the hill to The Red Lion, which was empty apart from us and two other people, and talked for about 20 minutes until they asked us to leave because they were closing. Oops.
We've decided on where to go on Tuesday, except it might not be Tuesday anymore, and Chi might not be able to come whatever day it is. See, I said something nasty would happen to ruin our meal. Everyone else is going out on Thursday, but clubbing is not of the good says I, so I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. I have a feeling actually I will be persuaded (whether by friends or by my own conscience) to give clubbing another go. We shall see.
In other news, I am Stuffed, because there's a 70s/80s party in Fresher's Week and I keep forgetting to look for clothes for it. Apart from The Dress Incident, of which we shall not think, oh no. *shudders* I'm not really even sure I want to go, however if I remain true to my dislike of meeting new people and being sociable I will Make No Friends and live a Sad And Lonely Life.
I had an interesting conversation with Nicky earlier... She was saying something about Keeley Hawes, I think:
Me: Oh, that one that was in Tipping the Velvet?
Nicky: Yes. You watched that?! *shocked look*
Sometimes my sister is quite incomprehensible. As it happens, I didn't see Tipping the Velvet, I just have a mind like the lint screen of a tumble dryer, but ... why should she be shocked if I had watched it? Strange girl. Sometimes I think she doesn't realise I aged while she was at university. (I hesitate to say 'grew up', for fairly obvious reasons. ;)
Today has been rather a waste, I caught up on the sleep I missed the other night by getting up at 11am and going back to bed for half the afternoon. I'm not particularly sleepy now, so I may go downstairs and stick the TV on while doing some maths. Studying is for the night-time! Sleep is for tortoises!
social ineptitude,