Ok, I was so busy with the caffeine disturbedness yesterday that I forgot I had something vaguely interesting to say.
Five has competition for being the cutest thing ever - how could I forget Bertie Wooster? I hadn't seen the first episode of Jeeves & Wooster before, but it was on yesterday morning and Bertie was so sweet. He didn't even speak for the whole first 10 minutes of the episode, just made incoherent noises and was adorably confused and ruffled. I wanted to pat him on the head.
Yesterday, I spent the day chuckling at intervals when I thought of
loneraven's Clanger/Doctor Who crossover. I love it that much. Today's joke is that the apple and raspberry juice I ordered with my dinner turned out to have fermented, and was actually very strong cider. *g* It tasted lovely, actually. People should make raspberry cider on purpose.
While we were out, I also saw a book which I'm sure Rincewind would love, entitled quite simply 'Potato'. And then on the way home we saw a single, lonely welly boot on the corner of the pavement. I half expected to see wisps of smoke coming from it.
Last night, I couldn't sleep for absolutely ages, and ended up finding quite a few funny things. Firstly there's
Science Made Stupid, very well done and obviously by someone who knows their stuff. I really loved the table of 'symbols used in mathematics', and may have to copy it out to put on my wall at uni.
Then I discovered that the Americans call a 'shuttlecock' a 'badminton bird'. *hysterical laughter* The mind boggles.
I also found "
Petition: Harry and Hermione are destined for each other", which is really quite scarily obsessive. I mean, I quite like a bit of Harry/Hermione fic (but then I'll read anything if well written, really), but ... words fail me on how bizarre this level of interest seems to me. It's just a book, for goodness sake. And one pairing within that book, which people don't like. Why get so worked up over it?
In serious university type stuff, I've crossed off three things from my list of things to do, without even realising it, so am starting to think I may indeed be ready in time.
Church this morning absolutely drove me up the wall. I had to sit between The Father and Son o' Doom (tm), who are the most irritating children in the entire universe, and cannot sit still and quietly for any length of time. I kid ye not, the father is as much a child as the son, as shown by his whispered 'get a move on, I need a pee' towards the end of the service, and his humming Brass Band marches through the prayers. He's nice enough in general, but sitting next to him for over an hour is torture.
Other than that, it was uneventful, apart from the baptism of some poor child whose parents chose to name him 'Maximus', and the vicar accidentally tipping water over some random kid. The new curate didn't make any mistakes either. Heh. (Last term, at his first evensong, he invited the congregation to 'join in the anthem'. Um, no. That doesn't happen. *g* Much kind laughter in the vestry.) Evensong tonight should be better, as long as I don't end up on the end of my row and have to lead in or out.
Then I am going to the pub (as I'm sure I've mentioned far too much already), for Beta's Last Pub Quiz, which Alpha has informed me we MUST win. And I've been ordered to pick somewhere for our meal on Tuesday, since it's technically my very delayed birthday meal as well as goodbye to everyone.
I am getting very very jealous of Oxbridgites who have ridiculously short terms, and my cousin who I'm sure finished about a month earlier at the end of this year than I will at the end of next year, and so had about four months summer holiday *and* had no work to do! Jammy dodger. (I am turning into a public schoolboy. Help.)
My MMR is doing strange things. After very suddenly feeling bruised for a couple of days, now it's making my shoulder feel stiff and uncomfortable. Pants to it, I says.