The apartment quest has ended!

Aug 27, 2007 07:32

I was approved for the apartment! I move in this Wednesday!

*does the happy dance*

I still have a number of phone calls I have to make to get everything in order, but most of those will be done this morning. The packing is mainly done too - just have a few things here and there that either don't fit into the boxes I have or else are chairs and what not that I need another person in order to help me carry down the stairs. Go me and my industriousness. =D

Sadly, I have to turn in my cable modem Tuesday and I'm not entirely sure when I'll get internet in the new apartment. Which means, my dears, that I won't be around for a while. I'll be able to check lj and email at work, but that'll be the extent of that.

Now I better go eat something before my stomach decides to eat itself. Later!


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