App for capeandcowl

Jun 12, 2011 13:25

AGE: -
JOURNAL: algerbraic [Rarely used!]
IM: vagabounce (AIM)
RETURNING: Bender Rodriguez and Ladd Russo

CHARACTER NAME: Shirley Bennett
FANDOM: Community (TV)
CHRONOLOGY: Post "A Few Paintballs More" (Season 2 Finale!)

Shirley's background is quite the enigma. She only mentions having a sister who seems to live in the area, and considering she's never even seen the ocean, it's pretty reasonable to assume her childhood was rather sheltered. She was most likely raised in a highly Christian family due to her strong Baptist values, with very little exposure to a more traditional modern lifestyle.

That didn't last forever. At some point, this strict upbringing came crashing down and Shirley found herself with a couple of tough years facing alcoholism. She became so infamous that she was even on the posters warning people about binge drinking and even the bouncer knew her name. It's also pretty clear that these drinking years also had a lot of experience in violent behaviour, due to her unnerving knowledge of fighting styles.

Eventually, she managed to button herself up and begin to get on with her life properly. At an unknown point, she met her husband Andre and together they had two kids, Elijah (named after the prophet) and Micheal (named after Micheal Jordan). Everything was going very well for Shirley until her husband left her for a stripper. Yaaay?

Now Shirley was on her own with two kids, her first thought was to pursue her lifelong dream- Join a college and start her own brownie business. Thus starts the first episode of Community as Shirley enters Greendale Community College! Luckily, being a sitcom, Community isn't particularly information intensive, but it's worth talking about the shenanigans that Shirley has been getting up to.

Shirley joined a study group which comprises the main characters of the show, with quite a diverse range of people. Together, they fight crime have shenanigans and try to pass classes with the bare minimum of marks. Pretty soon, Shirley grew fond of the group and even saw them as a second family. After she learnt some important lessons on tolerance and respect for others, Shirley had various adventures such as becoming an admiral of a boat in a parking lot, breaking into an office to get a glimpse at a fake penis, getting pantsed, pulling the aerial of Professor Slimcalves' car and holding a silent protest against Guatemala for their brutal beating of their journalists using brownies and pinatas.

The only major canon storyline to follow with Shirley is her accidental pregnancy. During Labour Day weekend of 2010, Shirley reconnected with her husband but also had sex with Ben Chang during a zombie attack (Just loads of people infected with a severe form of food poisoning courtesy of secret Army testing). After the Army wiped everyone's memories, Shirley had no idea that she had sex with Chang.

Of course, a month or so later, Shirley found out she was pregnant. Thankfully, Chang had left a voice message to Troy Barnes detailing her sexual escapades with Shirley, which meant he was able to raise the alarm to her. Despite all this, her husband still stuck around this time due to the chance the baby was still his, and even if it wasn't, he would stay anyway. Why did such a nice guy run off with a stripper again?

Eventually, Shirley had the baby in the middle of an Anthropology exam, and the baby was Andre's. However, in gratitude to the help that Chang provided in delivering the baby, she names the new born boy Ben. Yeah, Ben Bennett. Not the best at choosing names.

In the last two episodes of the season, Shirley competed in the End of Year BBQ Paintball Assassin Game. In typical Greendale fashion, the game spiralled out of control due to the sinister influence of the Dean of City College wishing to destroy the school. At first, Shirley busied herself with becoming Pierce's deputy in exchange for paintball pellets, but it soon became clear that Pierce was no group player and that City College meant business.
Shirley then became the biggest bad ass in the whole show once again, eliminating pretty much all of the evil City College troopers and even besting a paintball machine gun. If it wasn't for a certain sneaky trooper, she would have won. Luckily, Pierce decided to be a good guy for once and eliminated the last two troopers and won the game for Greendale.

Shirley is pulled directly after the study group's last meeting of the year where Pierce dramatically leaves the group and leaves everyone hanging. She's going to be pretty scared of the City at first, and when Shirley gets scared, she gets really defensive.

There are two very distinct sides to Shirley that are pretty conveyed by her tone of voice. One side is the Ms Piggy voice- Sweet, motherly, slightly cloying and patronising. The other side is the Gary Coleman voice- Harsh, poison tongued, violent but also self confident and powerful. She's stuck in the typical quandary of a mother- You have to behave appropriately around the children, but you can't stop acting like yourself.

Shirley is such a mother that she treats pretty much all of her close friends like children. To a lot of people, this would be highly patronising and annoying. To Shirley, she's just trying to help people not make mistakes in life like she did. She feels it's very much a part of her Christian duty to prod and meddle in other people's affairs, especially the romantic kind, so she's constantly prying for information. Shirley is also a supremely good guilt machine, and often uses guilt as a method of convincing people to do the things that she wants them to do.

Unfortunately, this is where her more mean spirited side also shows up. Shirley is an insatiable gossip, and is pretty awful at keeping many secrets. She loves to make fun of people for their appearance, and is also surprisingly good at ripping on bad movies. Again, this plays into another part of her personality- Shirley is like a Russian doll set with no end, I swear.

Shirley has a habit of being very judgemental. Being raised in a highly Christian family, she has a hard time accepting other faiths and views on life, often being rather condecending or just down right rude. She once invited her Jewish friend to a pool party that turned out to be a surprise baptism. Yeah, that's how bad she can be. However, she always tries to turn off this large judgemental nature she has and constantly strives to be more open minded, but her defensive shell is pretty tight- If she is offended in a large way, she will become as stubborn as an old mule and refuse to change her views. Case in point, her rather violent nature during the "Abed makes a film about himself being the son of God" debacle, in which Shirley spent a good fifteen minutes just glaring at Abed and insulting his belief system. Okay, this is making her sound really nasty, but she is nice!

As a flipside of this judgemental nature of hers, she also expects to be judged by everyone else. She's very self concious of her age, and often feels that people seem to exclude her from ever doing anything interesting in her life just because she's had a few kids. She has some pride in herself, however, but she doesn't like people categorising her in the role as an old, useless spinster who's good for nothing but sitting around and talking about the good old days.

She's also very giving. In some ways, she's far too giving- She let her husband borrow her car during the period he had ran off with the stripper, just so he can take the stripper to the club she works at. She learnt this about herself mainly when she saved her friend Pierce from drowning, despite the fact that a storm was about to overtake the ship. This all happened in a parking lot, of course. It's a long story. Anyway, she learnt that even though she may get stepped on every once in a while, being a kind person is better than being a mean hardass.

There's one more crucial thing about Shirley and that's the fact is that she's very easy to get along with. The few that would find her patronising and overly cloying would probably realise that she's much more than that the first time she threatens to smash in their head with a saucepan. She's very kind, but when she needs to step up and take action, she's going to take that action and give it all she's got. A deadly mistake to make about Shirley is just to feel that she's some stupid, naive housewife with big hair. She's really a sweet, kind woman who can quite easily both physically and verbally attack you if she gets the chance.

In terms of Shirley's hopes and dreams, she wants to become more independent and experience new things. Starting a brownie business was the first steps in her plan, but she's pretty dedicated to this idea. Shirley's biggest fear is almost certainly the idea that everyone secretly hates her- She puts a lot of trust in people, and she would hate to have it thrown back in her face.

Gossip Powers- When Shirley meets certain people (meaning the people who fill out the permission post), she'll be able to see one secret about them. However, these secrets will never be anything large or life changing. They're all silly little embarassing secrets- Stuff like what type of underwear a character wears, what someone's middle name is, how much they actually weigh and etc.

Comically Large Handbag- Shirley's large handbag contains unlimited room, allowing pretty much any object to be stored inside of it. She can pull out these objects with ease, but obviously, the handbag can easily be stolen from her possession.


[Shirley has turned on the video today to display a couple of brownies.]

I, um, have decided to start my own business. Selling brownies. These include many delicious flavours, such as chocolate-

[She holds up a chocolate brownie to the camera with glee, making a little giggle. The top of the brownie has some icing that has created a smilie face on it.]

Isn't it cute? I thought that a face would make it look more interesting.

[She puts down this brownie, and holds up another one.]

And this is a double chocolate brownie! It has two times the amount of chocolate that the chocolate brownie has. Doesn't it look lovely?

[She places down this brownie and looks up at the camera.]

Now, uh, I spent a whole afternoon making these brownies, so I would- [AHEM] -Really appreciate it if someone were to buy some. After all, I wouldn't want to have wasted so much chocolate on these delicious baked goods if none of you wanted to buy some. Of course, I just wanted my friends to taste some of my delicious brownies--

[She's sighs a little, before perking up immediately.]

So buy some, okay? They're only fifty cents each! Bye bye~

Shirley waited by the bus stop, wringing her hands nervously. The bus was due to come soon, but she knew that she couldn't trust the timetable. She couldn't really trust anything in this city. Well, at least that's what all the TV shows said about big cities like this one, and that was Shirley's most reliable guide to how to behave underneath the stretching heights of the skyscrapers.

She suddenly felt very concious for her handbag. She decided to place one hand tightly on the strap, in case of some sort of thief tries to steal it- If there was one thing she didn't need right now, it was some punkass idiot trying to take a grab of her bag full of money.
How long was this bus taking? Shirley glanced around for some sort of indication of the time, looking up to the skyline in case there was some sort of large neon clock, like in the movies. She was still biting down on her bottom lip, eyes swivelling from side to side with anxiety.

This was a city of sin. Had these people even heard of the Ten Commandments? Her defensive wall had been set right up, and Shirley was on top and ready to snipe someone from a distance. Two girls wearing skirts so short that she could see their thighs, so thin that Shirley would bet that they would be knocked over by a paper fan. In contrast, a tremendously obese man waddled across the street with a bag full of God-knows-what, with a face that reminded her of old bacon commericals. Jeff would've laughed at that one.

She missed her friends- There was no Annie to make her feel more young and free spirited, no Britta to make her feel open minded, no Abed to coddle and fuss over... Hell, at this point, she would even admit to missing Pierce. Things just didn't seem as fun without him around to make racist remarks and tell her that her breasts were looking "particularly ghetto today". She also missed her kids, especially her little Ben. Could Andre really look after the baby by himself? Little worries like this clouded her mind everyday, nagging her into an impossible task- Go home.

Home was another universe away. There was no Greendale in this world- Instead there were superheroes and villains and comic book characters. Abed would have enjoyed this. But Abed wasn't here anymore.

Shirley had got through worse though- Mind you, she hadn't gone through anything as weird, but she had certainly got through worse. She knew that she just had to survive here, and eventually she would go back home. But for now, there was nothing she could do but stand at the bus stop with her purse clutched tightly under her armpit.

An ugly kid with a sideways baseball cap strutted over with the gait of a dying horse, eyeing the handbag pretty clearly. He approached with arrogant self belief, hands in his pockets that were pratically around his knees.


"If you think about taking one step closer, you're going to find your face on the back of my frying pan. You got that?"

The kid paused and stared for a few seconds. Quickly, he sidled away with a large dent in his ego. Shirley huffed a little, repositioning the purse on her shoulders. When was this bus going to get here?

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