Grey's Anatomy: S4 Finale A;SLDKFJAS;DLFJKAS;LDFJK

May 23, 2008 14:20

OMG, GUH. ALEX/IZZIE. They are so, so good. Their final scene brought back memories of their PHENOMENAL S2 finale scene. I love how they have brought Izzie back into Alex's story. I love how this time it's all about Alex, which is fascinating because he's such an interesting, complex character. When he gets into the shower to comfort Ava, when he insists on taking care of her because that's what he did for his mom, when he honestly breaks down at the end and needs Izzie. Ahh, it's just everything that I love about a couple. He has so many walls up, is so hardened, and has been hurting for so long, and I've been longing for Izzie to see this side of him because this is what she will fall in love with so deeply she won't be able to let go and she'll see what's been in front of her all along. He's been so in love with her; now I want to watch her journey to him.

And that last scene! He's trying to block everything out - the failure and the regret and the loss. And Izzie insists that he listen. He breaks down for her, and that's not something he does. This isn't just about sex anymore. His crying is heartbreaking, but when they kiss you can see that she is too. Then she cradles him like he held her in the S2 finale. This is such a beautiful relationship. And the man we saw Alex growing into when he thought he was suddenly faced with a family is who he will become, for Izzie. In return, he'll become most important to her. In that there is redemption and hope, trust and growth. And that is love.

I thought the Grey's Anatomy finale was fantastic. SO MANY LOVE STORIES! Of course that had me hooked. I loved how even the two medical stories had sweet love stories, especially the one with the popular girl and the guy who would do anything to prove himself to her, even sinking into cement. I have always felt that this show has paired up couples so well. Meredith/Derek, Alex/Izzie, George/Lexie, Addison/Sloan... all in fine form. I hope it stays on track in pursuing these couples because they're golden.

Sometimes you don't need the shocking cliffhanger endings. This is my idea of a superior finale.
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