Okay, last summer and during the early part of the TV season, I caught up on The Office, the American version. It was impossible not to get immediately attached to everything about it. The dry humor; the incredible nuances (blink and you might miss something); the boss that makes you squirm it's so uncomfortable and yet has a brain and a heart buried in there; and who can possibly forget to mention the office love story, Jim and Pam, when talking about the show?
Well, I found out over Christmas that my aunt is a big fan of the show too and she offered to lend me the British version of The Office. It's taken me forever to get through them just juggling regular TV and everything else. I will admit that I prefer the American version. I think the British boss, David Brent, is more unlikeable that Michael Scott (God, he's just insane), and I love British comedy, but sometimes the slang can even go over my head, plus it's quite a bit dirtier than the American version.
But, BUT... it all makes up for it in the end. I also don't think I was maybe as attached to the love story between the British Tim and Dawn. It's a little frustrating that it literally takes them the last five minutes of the show to get together (although the entire series is much, much shorter than its American counterpart). But when it happens... it's brilliant.
So, they did good. The scene was just magical, like the Alex/Izzie scene from the S2 finale of Grey's Anatomy. It made me teary-eyed. There's just something about the scenario that I guess really gets me. He's pined for her for YEARS. He's gone for it, only to be turned down and devastated. Meanwhile, she's miserable in a dead-end relationship. You know that he's unlike anyone she's ever been with before. So genuine, so sweet. They have this incredible bond and friendship and just get each other, which is especially evident in all of their intricate inside jokes on Gareth (the British Dwight). It's the finishing-each-other's-sentences kind of connection. And there's just something about it....
I've been meaning to update because I've had a lot going on. There's turmoil with my job situation (of course), and I've stepped up the job search because I'm miserable and have to go somewhere else. (And I think it's about time to get myself organized and finally do that "Dream" post I've had on tap for ages.)
More than that, though, y'all know that I am a hopeless romantic. Not just a "Aww... Jack and Kate are sweet," but really, REALLY obsessive about it. Let's just say I've had a Jane Austen resurgence recently. I have to save this for another post because it deserves its own. But I have become completely obsessed with Pride and Prejudice again. Why is that such a beautiful story (the other archetype that gets to me - the love/hate relationship)? And the 1995 Colin Firth BBC version is just THE BEST. I've been watching the last 10 minutes of the movie every night for the past week before I go to bed.
This is not normal. LOL But like Jim/Pam, like Tim/Dawn, like Jack/Kate, like Elizabeth Bennet/Mr. Darcy, really feeling the love stories makes life so much more enjoyable.