Sunsets and Sunburn

Sep 20, 2005 21:02

Ain't it funny how you forget that a country practically on the equator is going to be a zillion times hotter than here, and you get burnt just as quickly? HA! Funny my arse! ... Actually, yeah, it is.

So let's just rewind and go through what's been happening: the 8th of September. Tullawong High's Senior Formal. Just typing it is a little surreal. It's weird now it's been and gone. But it was great. Sam hung around with me all day while I got ready. Ok, so the food sucked something chronic, but the music was excellent, and everyone looked so smashing. Tried to get photos with/of everyone but that didn't work. Turns out you can't fit the entire grade onto a 28 exposure disposable camera...
And for those of you who doubted me, yes, I wore a dress. And no, I didn't wearmy combat boots. I wore a pair of dominatrix-esque three-inch spike heels. Had my hair done properly by our hairdresser up the road, Melissa. It was kind of tied up in knots and spikes and curls and plaits (admittedly, the curls were flat within the haf hour! Damned hair) Anyways, you'll all see it when I finally get the photos up on here, if I ever find our digital camera's USB cord.
The after-formal party was pretty much non-existant when I was there, only from 1:30-3am, unfortunately, because I hear things spiced up a bit after that. But I had to leave early. I was booked on a flight at 6ish that morning, so I couldn't exactly get pissed. Pity. So I spent most of the party wandering back and forth on my own until I found a handful of people to have a halfway intellegent conversation with, (Ellie, Lacey, Jayden... that's about it!) then I sat up in the gutter with Nic and Ben until the old lady picked me up. I am carved that I missed going to Rowan's party on the Friday, but I wasin another country at that point in time.

Anyways, got home at about 3.30 am and managed to grab about two hours sleep, before we headed out to the airport. Funny, actually, I was exhausted, since by that stage I'd had about two hours sleep in twenty four hours, so after we checked our bags in, mum and dad and Ali walked ahead of me (who was dawdling) for the coffee shop. I got as far as this random couch in the waiting area and woke up an hour and a half later. (Customs, bag checks and all that states you have to be at the airport three hours before you actually take off, so we had some time to kill) Mum told me when we got on the plane that she'd had a panic attack when I disappeared, and in the all of three minutes it took them to get back to the couch I'd stopped on, I was out cold, and couldn't be woken for anything! Does that surprise anyone?

So, we got to Bali. Slept most of Friday afternoon. Spent Saturday by the pool, just chilling and drinking cocktails with copious amounts of severely potent alcohol in them. Then on Sunday we went on this day trip, like all good tourists do. We went up to the big volcano (Guys, it's really huge, I mean, you have no idea.) and went to this cool temple thing that was, maybe nine hundred years old! Then at this other temple in Ubud, we saw the world famous monkey. It was so cool! There was this baby, and it was really curious. My sister was sitting down, gong through her bag, and this little thing climbs into her lap and starts going through her bag with her. Alison nearly shat herself! Anyways, when it didn't find anything interesting in there, it started going through her pockets and trying to pull off her rings. She wasn't sure whether to freak out or to go all gooey and start cooing over it.

Shopping. Ohmigawd. I love shopping in Bali! Not only is it so cheap but it's fun. For example, my sister and mum were looking at these shirts, and the shop keeper told them it was 350 000rp for two. AS IF! They couldn't get him down below about 300 000 for the two so they walked out. I stayed and glared at the shopkeeper for a bit, then I said to him "I'll give you 90 000 for two." He glared at me and offered 100 000rp, and we settled at 95 000, which works out to about twelve bucks per shirt, a great price considering ho nice they were. It was sweeet! Bartering rocks man!

So anyway, on Tuesday, we went out to this place that does water sports. Somehow got Alison and Mum to go parasailing. It's easy to see how people get addicted to it. We went on the banana boat, and fell off some three times. And we went on these awesome jet skis. I got to drive for a while, and I opened it right up. The guide was just starting to relax with me going full throttle when I decided to throw it into the quickest 180 ever. Not only did he nearly fall off, but I managed to tip the jet ski almost over, which, for anyone who's every ridden a jet ski would know, is TOUGH. Go me!

What else...? Went and visited Ground Zero. Don't call it the Sari Club. There is no Sari Club anymore. It's ground zero, that's it. There's a gigantic memorial across the road with all the names. I didn't realise there were so many. And we went and had a drink in Paddy's Pub. It's really cool in there. You'd never know what happened back on '02. Mum kept going on about how eerie it was. All I could think was that it was just a bar. Well, the only thing unusual was the fact that they were selling these shirts from behind the bar that say "Fuck Terrorist!" in big letters. I forgot to buy one before we left. Meh. Too late now.

So, those are about the highlight from the Bali trip. Oh, except there, McDonalds is open 24hours a day, and delivers, there's no drinking age and there's this awesome caffine and alcohol drink called Vibe (it's gooood!) and sitting on the roof of the hotel by the pool with an obnoxiously large cocktail watching the sunset over Kuta Beach is possibly the most beautiful thing I've seen ever.

Wow... big post. Congrats for reading this far.
(Yes, it's a copy/crtl+v job from MSNspace)
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