Increased Updates

Sep 06, 2005 20:25

So it occurs to me that while I was freaking out about how my formal is TWO DAYS AWAY, I forgot to tell you guys about the little family trip we're taking.

See, I go to my formal Thursday night, right? Then to the after-formal party, like any normal person, but at about 2-3am, I'm getting picked up. I have to go home, finish packing, then at something hideous like 6am, I'm on a plane to Bali. And yes, for anyone who's wondering, I've got myself large amounts of marijuana and ecstacy in my boogie-board bag, ready to go. Execution squad, here I come! Too morbid? Sorry, but it's my LJ, I'll be as bloody morbid as I want.

Which shockingly ain't that morbid, because I'm EXCITED!
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