(no subject)

Aug 10, 2013 13:02

So. A week back from vacation.


1. Plane rides.
I love plane rides. I love the feeling when the plane takes off. I love the complimentary beverages, even when there's nothing good. I love watching people load all their weird stuff in the bins, or pass through security. I love the crotchety families. I do NOT love the people yelling at the poor harassed TSA agents, but there's a downside to everything...

Somehow, I managed for the later flight up to sit in front of a loudspoken Bostonian who kicked the seat all through takeoff and landing. What are we, six? Then she set her pink-painted foot on my armrest, where it jutted into my arm. She didn't move it when I pointedly rested my arm there, so we shared arm-toe contact. I was tired and getting super annoyed at her grating voice (I was picturing a blond woman with massive boobs and bright pink lipstick and sunglasses on her head--turns out she was brunette with a very sensible outfit). Then, this happens:
"Would you like a beverage, ma'am?"
"How much flight time do we have left?"
"About 30 minutes."
"Get me two Bud Lights."
It's sort of impossible to be annoyed at someone with the bodlness to down 2 Bud Lights in half an hour, on a plane, at 10:30 PM.
Then she was talking on the phone on the tarmak, and then she was singing on the phone. There was nothing in the conversation (it was impossible NOT to listen in) to preclude this in any logical fashion.

2. Artists
Gloucester is near an art colony. I'm never quite sure what to do about artists... there are so many good ones, and so few are necessary... if you give money to an artist, is it like feeding the ducks? It kind of encourages the others.... a small, horrible part of me thinks the artists are pretentious, selfish little parasites of society who get away with playing for a living and think they deserve to be supported--- and we're supporting them. That's certainly not a very Christian way of looking at things.

3. Carrying a kayak works muscles that I don't usually work...

4. My sister's boyfriend is a why superior human being to me. He speaks 6 languages. Did a few mission trips in Africa. Was a member of the army (navy?). Thinks long and heard about issues. Is well learned and rational. Is athletic. Is NOT cute, imo, but that's not a priority anyway.
She'd better keep him.

5. Boston-Logan is NOT a quick airport. Security seems to go out of its way to create bottlenecks.

6. Southwest Airlines rocks. Best airline of all of them.

7. Check long-term parking rates BEFORE booking a flight.

Other thoughts, since I'm being a delinquent when it comes to journaling:
-There are some really beautiful women at the gym. Not the flimsy flighty lipstick-wearers, but solid, muscular wall-climbers. Men, step it up. I want something to entertain me ;)

-Speaking of pretty people, the new student in the other Toxo Lab from Hell is super cute. And, as far as I can tell, very sweet. If I'm not careful, I'm going to develop a crush. ...on second thought, crushes make life more interesting. Aaand go.

-More and more FB CRONies are drifting from the strict calorie restriction towards protein restriction. Perhaps I should join them? It's difficult to say. the protein vs CR research is still super new. Lower protein definitely mimics some aspects of CR, namely IGF-1, but I'm not sure if it will produce similar protection against disease. The primate studies are iffy.

What, you can't save posts anymore on LJ?  Well, I'll amend this later. Time for a change in scenery.

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